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(TW: lots of death and gore)

A few minutes later, I hear the door open and close once again, I look to the door, groaning. What does he want now? I'm about to yell at him when I see another student, male, he runs up to the stage a quickly summons me. I giggle and jump down "Someone's eager huh?" I say. The boy nods quickly "Chisana-San! Can you please write me a script? I want you to get rid of my toxic girlfriend! Can you do that?" He blurts out quickly. I laugh "Of course I can! I am Chisana-San after all!" I smirk to myself, knowing full well this will only make No.7 mad.

I quickly write the script and hand it to the boy, he says his thanks and runs out, I rewrite my script. The next day, I watch from afar, laughing as the girl explodes in the bathroom, scattering her blood and guts across the walls, her friends screaming in fear.

Over the next week, I get loads of summoning and wrote many scripts, at least 1 person dying in each one, my favorite one being of 2 girls who came at different times, asking for me to kill the other. So, naturally, I have them stab each other mercilessly in the garden at midnight, their bodies being found long after they took their last breath.

I laugh maniacally as students and teachers alike flood around the bodies of the 2 dead girls. I stop laughing as I start to see girls crying over the bodies and shaking them, screaming for them to wake up. My eyes start to well up, it reminded me of my own death.


I've been practicing so long for this day! Today is the opening show of my school production! I step onto the stage and everything runs smoothly. Everyone remembers their lines and the audience is loving the show... until the last scene rolls around... I'm just finishing my lines when I hear a creaking sound and people start shouting my name, telling me to run, where we improvising something? I turn around to look at the rest of the cast and see a huge, heavy-set piece falling over. It's going to land on me. I'm frozen in fear, my feet refusing to move no matter how much I want them to. The set falls on me as if in slow motion, my life flashes before my eyes.

It lands on me, crushing and killing me instantly. My crimson red blood sprays out from under the edges of the set piece. The audience claps... they think it was part of the show.

The drama teacher runs on stage, screaming my name and telling everyone to try and lift the set off of me whilst I watch on as a mere spirit, crying silently to myself.

The audience realizes what's really going on and run up to help try and pull the set piece off me. After a few minutes they finally succeed and I hear gasps. One rang louder than any of the others though. I look around and see Naito Yuko, my best friend, run up to me, pushing past the crowd of people swarming around my body.

She grabs me and starts shaking me vigorously, screaming and begging for me to be ok. To open my eyes. My mother cries into my father's chest as he cries over me. I try to fly back into my body, hoping to revive myself. I'm not ready to die. Not yet. I'm only 13. I'm too young to die. I have so much I still need to do.

I can't. I can't get back in, I can't come back. I'm gone forever. I quickly fly away, tears staining my cheeks.

I go backstage and see 3 girls snickering and high fiving... Furukawa Naiki and her friends... My bullies. Did they..? no. There's no way! "Haha! That was awesome Furukawa!" Matsumura laughs "The way she stared at it just before she was crushed was so funny!" I freeze. They did. They killed me. They pushed over the set piece and killed me. I'm dead forever. Because of them. I can't, no, I WON'T let this happen to anyone else ever again!

~'*End Of Flashback*'~

I continue watching as tears start to stream down, staining my cheeks. I fly away to the sakura tree and pray for them to have a good afterlife with each other, or maybe be reincarnated together. I pray for the best to happen to them and sincerely apologise for what I have done. I fly back to my boundary and sit on the stage, exactly where my death happened and stare up at the roof.

I hear the door open and close. I don't want to make any scripts right now. How will I tell them to leave? I'll just tell them to come back later.

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