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Hey guys, so I'm gonna rush this little part of the book because I have something better in my mind that will be a lot more fun than this so I'm really really sorry if you're liking this part!!

Basically, I'm gonna rush this part and close it off really quickly at the end and start something new and fun at the end of this!!

Also, in this chapter, I'm going to be shipping Yashiro x Kou just because it will make more sense that having Yashiro like Amane when he likes the reader and I'm very sorry if you don't like this ship!


I don't feel the least bit worried about my decision to bring the Minamoto boy to Amane. He's beat the boy before so I have no doubt Amane will beat him again.

I continue to run up the stairs to the roof and slowly push the door open before sneaking around the corner, avoiding their gaze with the Minamoto boy close in pursuit.

"T-there he is! Y-You have to save her!" I cry softly as I point towards the pair. The boy sends me a reassuring smirk before climbing up on top of the doorway and hiding behind a raised portion.

I watch as the scene before me unravels, beginning with the boy jumping down from the roof, calling out his own name and family history whilst Amane smirks at the introduction, explaining to the girl who he is and the history of his family in greater detail.

I watch as the fight begins to unfold, the girl jumping in to aid Amane after he gets shocked. She begins to explain how Amane isn't a bad spirit and instead has been helping her and other people around the school.

I watch intently as the Minamoto boy explains how his ancestors tried to seal Amane away for centuries or something and the fight finally begins as the boy tells the girl about his murder, her face morphing into confusion and horror. I smile slightly to myself. This is working perfectly! Now the girl won't want to be around Amane because he is a murderer!

I have to push down the nagging guilt, slowly eating away at my joy and relief. Amane seems to really like this girl and the girl seems to really like Amane.

I shake my head side to side vigorously to clear my head, turning my attention back to the 2 boys, only to see the blonde one lying on the ground whilst the cream-haired girl picks up the trident-like staff, asking Amane if they should hide it.

I watch as the girl expresses her worry for Amane whilst he gets annoyingly close to her, whispering something to her before jumping back with a smile and a laugh.

He then begins to walk away, the girl quickly running after him.

I stand there for a while, replaying the scene in my head as my eyes begin to well up with water. I failed. Is he gonna replace me with this girl?

As the tears begin to roll down my cheeks, I walk over to the unconscious blonde. I can't just leave him up here on the roof.

I grab onto the boy's arm and disappear in a puff of f/c smoke, a trick Amane had recently taught me before meeting the girl.











I watch over the unconscious boy now lying on my stage.

So, his name is Kou and he's part of the Minamoto clan.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear grunting and see the blonde stirring.

He slowly opens his blue eyes and I watch as he jumps a little in fright after he sees me, quickly surveying his surroundings.

"Calm down, would you?" I say in a bored tone, throwing away the previous act I used on the boy, already occupied by the short story I'm writing. He looks at me bewildered, attempting to grasp the situation at hand.

I watch as his mouth continues to hang open. "W-what's going on??" He yells, scrambling backwards at a fast pace.

I reach an open hand out to him as I open my mouth to warn him but it's too late and he falls off the stage with a comical thud, causing my whole body to flinch as my face twists into one of empathetic pain.

I slowly crawl over to the edge of the stage and peak over the edge to check on the boy.

"U-uhm... you ok?" I ask hesitantly as I stare at the boy laying flat on his back with his legs propped up against the stage.

When he doesn't respond, I wave my hand in a circular motion and watch as F/C sparkles with a hint of smoke flies from my hand and circles the boy before slowly lifting him back up on the stage and placing him softly on the stage again.

"C-Chisana! T-tell me what's going on or I'll exorcise you!" He yells, pointing a supposed-to-be threatening finger at me. I sigh "Okay, okay fine. I'll tell you what's going on" I say, putting my hands up in a mock surrender.

"Basically, Hanako's real name is Amane. He actually isn't evil and neither am I. In all honesty, we are actually dating. The problem is that a few weeks ago, this girl named Yashiro came over to Hanako's stall and summoned him, asking for him to grant her wish of love. Now, the 2 of them are getting to close in my opinion and I'm starting to get worried that Amane might replace me with this Yashiro girl." I say in a rushed tone.











It's been a few weeks since Kou started helping me out with my situation with Amane and me and him have actually become really good friends. But anyways, that not important right now.

Kou has just taken Yashiro out to the park to hang out today so it's just me and Amane.

He sits in front of me on his windowsill, patiently waiting for me to speak.

I take a deep breath before speaking.

"I wanted to talk about the Yashiro girl..." I mumble.

It takes a lot for me to be able to say this but it was my last resort. I've never felt so close to someone before. I feel like if I lose him, my whole world will fall apart.

"Mhm, what about her?" Amane asks, tilting his head to the side.

"I feel like she's gonna take you away from me. You aren't spending as much time with me as you used to. It feels like you're kinda ignoring me" I yell out, squeezing my eyes closed and stomping my foot, bawling my fists by my sides.

He stares at me for a second before beginning to laugh, throwing his head back and clutching his stomach with one hand.

"Amane! I'm serious!" I whine as I start slapping him lightly.

"Ok! Ok! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's just, you sound so ridiculous right now! Me and Yashiro are just friends! The reason I haven't been talking to you much is because I've been very focused on the girls wish for a boyfriend" He says through his laughter, wiping a tear from his eye.

I look at him bewildered "Really?" I ask hesitantly, watching happily as he nods with his signature smile spreading across his face.

He jumps down from his seat on the windowsill and opens his arms out towards me, offering a hug. I smile as relief washes over my features, causing my shoulders to fall from their tensed position before I run up to Amane and let out soft cries of relief into his chest as he wraps his arms around me and soothingly strokes my hair. Promising he will never replace me.

Chisana-san of the drama roomWhere stories live. Discover now