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When I'm brought back to the sad reality of my world, I look around, trying to identify the source of the scream. I see a small, pink bunny lying on the ground. Its lying in a pool of its own blood. Next to it is Tsukasa, holding a knife. He has a psychotic look in his eyes and a sadistic smile plastered across his pale face. He repeatedly plunges the knife in and out of the small creature.

I scream.

Tsukasa freezes.

He looks at me in surprise before standing up and appearing next to me. I let out a yelp and fall back, scurrying backwards until my back is pressed against the wall, Tsukasa following and looming over me.

"Hello, there Y/N-San! I'm sorry, did we wake you?" he says softly. Unable to get the words to leave my throat, I simply nod. After a few seconds of Tsukasa and I staring at each other, a single word manages to escape from my throat.


If it was even possible, his smile grows. He stands up straight and throws his head back as he hollers, as if I've just told the funniest joke. "Why?" He asks, almost mocking me "Why, because it was gonna wake you up! It was gonna lie to you, Y/N... It was gonna tell you that I'm evil... you know I'm not evil, though, right?" As he finishes his sentence, he leans back in, eyes growing dark and threatening "Right, Y/N..?" He growls. I quickly nod "O-of course... y-you're not evil..." I say, just above a whisper.

Suddenly, the dark aura surrounding Tsukasa disappears and he smiles "Great! I'll let you go back to your nap! Bye!" He says in a sing-song voice as he disappears in a cloud of black smoke.

I don't even wait to think. I just jump up and run. I know where I'm going, but I don't know why I'm going there. Something is just telling me that I need to go there...

I violently knock on the bathroom door of the third floor in the old building. "Oi! Amane! Let me in! I need to talk to you!" I yell. The door swings open and Amane quickly pulls me in, slamming the door shut behind us.

"What did you just call me?"


"Did you just call me Amane?"

"Uh... yeah?"

"Did Tsukasa tell you?"


"Did he send you here?"


"Did he-"

"Shut up and let me talk, damnit!"

Amane falls silent, looking down sheepishly "Sorry..." He says. I grab him by his shoulders and shove him to the window ledge, sitting him down on it "Ok, I don't know why.... Well, I kinda do... I do know but I don't know... ANYWAY! I've got a lot I need to tell you!" I say.


He just sits there.


I roll my eyes. At least I have his attention.

I clear my throat.

"Ok, so, basically. I'm just gonna start from the start if what happened because something in me is telling me that I should tell you" I say, declaring the start of my ramble.

"So, a few weeks ago, I woke up in the broadcasting room with Tsukasa. He was telling me about how I died and that you stabbed me and he saved me by turning me into a ghost. However, I'm starting to get a bit skeptical about what Tsukasa is telling me because of a few things. First of all, you really don't seem like the kind of guy who would have killed me. Second of all, Tsukasa does not seem like who he claims to be. Third of all, I keep fainting and going into this dreamlike state where I seem to relive memories from when I was alive. But the weird thing about these memories is that I seem to be dead in the memories. Anyways, in all the memories, you're in them and we always hang out. Like, in one of them, you gave me this necklace I'm wearing and this other time we hung out at the cherry blossom tree where we talked about the stars and you told me about stars like VY Canis Majoris and Sirius A and stuff like that. They seem so foreign but at the same time so familiar. Like, I'll learn something and it'll feel like it's the first time I've heard it but at the same time, I feel like I already knew it. I also have this really strange feeling and connection with this necklace you gave me and Tsukasa acted really weird when he saw it. On top of all that, I woke up from one of these memories because I heard a shrill scream and I saw Tsukasa killing one of those pink bunny things. When I asked him why he did it, he became really menacing and scary and told me that it was going to lie to me and tell me that he was evil and then got really close and was asking me if I believed it and if I knew that he wasn't evil and, obviously, I said that I don't think he's evil cause I didn't want him to kill me. But like, I think he might be evil and that you might actually be the good guy and I don't know why I'm came here and actually told you all this but something was just telling me that I had to, Y'know?"

I finish my rant, panting and gasping for breath.

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