Chapter 16: The Move

Start from the beginning


I feel the car come to a stop and hear my mom's voice, "Honey we're honey home. I have your room set up. Eddie's going to grab your bag and take it to your room." I stretch my limbs and realize that I've been drooling. Great. I must have fallen asleep. They all wanted to ask me questions. I used the excuse of jet lag and went to sleep. I knew he would come up in conversation and I was not ready for that. I know they only do it because they care, but I'm not ready to discuss him. Or why I have chosen not to be in contact with him in the last five years. I've seen him twice in the last five years. The first time I wasn't ready, the second time I was devastated. I have avoided him at all costs after that. I shake my head out of the fog and get out of the vehicle. It's early summer so it's nice out. I'm still wore out. I wasn't lying earlier when I told them I was jet lagged. I am tired, thank goodness I flew in sweatpants. I walk into the unfamiliar house with my backpack. My mom is already offering them drinks. I feel like a sloth walking around. "Hey, honey you want something to drink?" my mom asks. I shake my head. I turn to my Aunt and Uncle. "Thanks, guys, for coming with mom to come pick me up. I really appreciate it. I'm sorry to flake out on you early, but I'm really tired. I think I'm going to unpack my stuff, take a shower and go to bed." Aunt Connie flings her arms open wide and brings me in for a hug. "It's our pleasure. We're just glad you're home and safe honey." She pulls back and looks me straight in the eyes. "No more running honey, we missed you. Do you understand?

"I do. I missed you all too." I look down at the ground and then back up at her. "No more running, that's why I'm here. Just not tonight okay." She nods her head.

"Okay, go get some sleep, settle in. We'll see you sometime this week. Love you."

"Love you too", I head back to the room that I see Uncle Eddie come out of when I entered the house. I look at the bed and I quickly changed my mind. I'm going straight to bed, I close the door, place my bag on the floor next to the bed and plop down on the bed. I pull out my phone and text the two people who I still talk to.

River: Hey Bax, just made it to my bed. Getting some shut eye. Turning my phone off now.

River: Hey Logan, just made it to Hannibal. Getting some shut eye. Call you in the morning.

Then I shut off the light and close my eyes.


Day one of being back was a success in my book. I slept a solid ten hours the first night. Woke up and my mom was cooking breakfast, I ate and then went back to settling into my room. I give Logan a quick call. He wasn't in town. He was out in the big bad world making a name for himself. The room I was now living in had zero personality. I think my mom wanted it that way. Over breakfast I asked her if she could take me to Hobby Lobby to pick up some decorations for my room. That would be the next thing on my list of things I needed to do before I started my job. I needed a vehicle to get me from point A to point B. You heard me alright, I already had a job lined up. It's one of the reasons that I decided to come here instead of closer to my siblings. I knew my mom needed me more. I had to stop being selfish, I know she needed me there. I was hoping we could cross off a few things while we are out. I have been looking for a used car in this area for a while now. I put back all the money that I had earned when I was in the Army. I only had a cell phone bill. The rest of everything was paid for by the Army. So, I was able to build up a nice little nest egg. I hear my phone ping.

Logan: Glad to see you made it, I'll be in town sometime next week. Will I get to see you?

I know what he's asking. I know that he will probably want to hang out with Auggie and I really don't.

River: We will see. Text me when you get to town.

Logan sends back a thumbsup.

After we get back from the store, I go to find a hammer and brackets to hang items on the walls. I bought some frames to hang us some pictures of when I was in the Army. I know I'm going to miss it, but my mom needs me more. I was lucky enough to find a position right away. I didn't think I would have any problems with my degree and experience. I know it will be a little different than what I was doing in the Army. I have a few weeks to settle in before my first day.

I'm don't know anyone here other than my mom's family and my aunts and there is no way in hell I'm hanging out with my mom's family. So tonight, I'm having a girls night with my mom and the girls. It was fun to hear about all the things that they used to get up to. It's nice to be around them again. I really missed them.

"So River, your mom said that you start your new job on Monday? Where will you be working?" I haven't told anyone where I'm going to be working. Everyone keeps asking. I don't want anyone to know. So, I respond with a vague answer, "Somewhere here in Hannibal." I give her a sly smile. "You can't tell us where you will be working?" "No because I don't want you all to just show up out of the blue."

"Us? We would do no such thing."

"No way am I telling you. You know you would eventually." So far no one has brought him or Melissa up in conversation. I feel like they are intentionally not speaking about either one of them. In the past five years anytime either one of them would come up in conversation I would immediately change the subject. Now that seems stupid. I know I will have to face both eventually, this town isn't THAT big. I'm just not ready, right now. I'm assuming he lives somewhere around here since Aunt Connie keeps saying that she's so happy that her family is all back together again.

Everyone keeps asking me why I would move to Hannibal. The biggest reason is my mom. My sister moved to the west coast, and I don't see her moving back any time soon. My brother is down in Florida doing God knows what. Every time I talk to him, he's working at one the local bars bartending. He loves it down there. The second reason is I need to face the things I ran from. I know I ran away, but I didn't know what to do, I won't apologize how I managed through it, and I have no regrets. I would do it again, but after the Army I learned that I will never retreat again. I'm a big girl and I face things now. I just have to ease myself back into this; I'm just afraid of what I might fight especially with Auggie. Has he moved on? Did he ever miss me? Is he glad I walked away? Is he with Melissa. I think that may actually end me. Regardless I'm done running. I'm here and will still continue to be here. I will not run away anymore. 

Thanks for ready Auggie and River's story. I appreciate you sticking with me. I know this chapter doesn't have a lot of angst, but it's setting it up.....soon. Just hang with me.

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