* ♦️𝕋𝕨𝕠♦️ *

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"Are you sure they would even want to help me? What if they don't accept me or refuse to teach me? " Jude rambled Nervously as she followed her Alpha to the centaur clearing "yes, you are still a centaur even if you won't appear to be until you're older, The stars show great promise for this meeting and future meetings" Lyra replied, knowing how much the centaurs believed in the star, Lyra slowed down as Celeste warned her of the approaching centaurs, she had wondered if turning into Celeste would make this meeting smoother but had forgone the idea, she would have to appear here as human eventually, might as well get it over with now. "Who goes there!" The centaur demanded as he stopped in front of the two humans, "I wish to speak to Leader Magorian" Lyra Requested calmly, she allowed her magic to roam freely around the area, it was an insult for a wizard to raise their wand against a centaur, not that most purebloods cared or even knew of that fact, however allowing one's magic free was seen as a sign of trust. "Follow me" the centaur said before turning around and leading the way to the Colony, Magorian had told him two humans would come, he had to be sure it was the right two however, he didn't want to risk the Colony.


"Ronan, what were you thinking allowing two-" "That is enough Bane, the stars showed their visit" Mira Reprimanded her son, Bane took after her more in regards to a distrust and resentment in humans, however these two, more specifically the younger one showed great promise In helping the Colony. "Leader Magorian, Leader Mira, I am Lyra Lefay, this is my charge Jude Haven, she's a Centaur born" Lyra said, introducing the both of them, every centaur gasped, some because of the girl's last name and the rest because this was the first centaur born in over a century. "Yes the stars have shown your arrival and we have seen great things coming from this meeting" Magorian began, the stars almost blinded him as they showed him the impact this young girl would have, she would become an amazing warrior one day and bring their world Into a new era. "We will teach her the ways of our ancestors, and when the time comes she will have a place in our heard " Magorian explained, he and his mate had discussed this at length and knew the consequences would be dire if they had refused, not that they had ever planned to, the last Centaur born was Magorian's Mother and she had left her human life behind to join the heard, if his mother was still here she would have accepted to help a fellow born in a heartbeat.

Jude reached out for her alpha, she didn't want to leave her family, she had finally found a home that loved her, and she didn't think she would ever be able to replace that love or leave, "Do not worry child, you will still belong to her pack, you'll just have a place here as well, think of it as a vacation home, some humans tend to have" Mira said, hoping to sooth the young fauns worries. "How may I repay you?" Lyra asked, she knew that regardless of what the stars said, there still had been a chance for them to decline entry, "The stars show a safe haven you have built for your pack and it has a very extensive forest, we would like to move there once your school year ends " Magorian proposed, it would offer the Colony more support and safety then if they stayed here. "Of course, I shall take you and a few of your guards to visit the forest to find the best place for your heard, that way it's an easier move come Summer" Lyra said respectfully, she had a feeling on the perfect place, even Celeste agreed that the place they had in mind would be perfect, "That is exceptable, now about your other Taurean Born..... "


"Hi Lils, who are your friends?" Lyra asked curiously as she took a seat next to the red head "what are you doing here, this is the Gryffindor table" one of the older Gryffindor's said with disgust, "It's good you know what table your at Mclaggen, however since it's not a holiday or term feast, I am allowed to sit at any of the tables, Unless you have a problem with the black family " Lyra returned raising her eyebrow. "No, no problem at all" Mclaggen said quickly, paling slightly, even he was stupid enough to anger a black, "Hello cousin dearest " Bellatrix greeted brightly as she walked over with her sisters, it felt good to have Almost all of them in the castle, by next year all of the cousins would be at Hogwarts and away from their families. "Hi bells" Sirius and James chorused distractedly, they wouldn't voice it but they hadn't wanted any slytherin's at the table, James especially as he didn't want them to taint his future wife, "Hello Lily flower" James said dreamily as he looked at the red head, they were destined to be, he just knew it. "This is Bella, Andy and Cissa, my cousins, Cousins meet lily" Lyra introduced, sparing a glance at James, that was weird, even by James's standards 'it's probably just excitement at finally being at Hogwarts' Celeste offered, 'your probably right' Lyra agreed.

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