"No Aang! Go, you need to go!" Katara shouted in protest, motioning for the doors that were slowly closing. 

Aang glanced at them and then the door, he switched paths as two sages came to fire at him, but before they could, Shoko swiped under their feet, causing them to fall on their faces with a pained thud.

"Thanks, Shoko!" Aang called out, jumping on a sage's hat and sliding inside, the door closing behind him. 

"Shoko! You're here!" Sokka exclaimed happily. But before Shoko could move over to help them out of the chains, a white light forced his eyes shut tightly from the brightness. He fell unconscious on the cold marble floor. 



Shoko's eyes quickly shot open, inhaling deeply as he jumped onto his feet. He raised a brow when he noticed the misty floor, "Where am I?" He whispered to himself, shifting his feet around, the mist shaping itself in different patterns. He hunched down to touch it, only for his hand to go directly through, never reaching an end, "Weird."

"It's realistic, but this is all I can make while a spirit" He yelped and stood back up, pulling his hands out to fire if needed. But in front of him simply stood an unfazed Avatar Roku. Shoko quickly bowed, "Wow! I'm sorry! It's not every day I see Aang's past self."

He smiled, eyes glimmering in amusement. "It's to be expected. But I'm afraid I don't have enough time to make two of myself, child. So listen carefully. You will need to assist Aang in these dark days. Defeating the Fire Lord will be much harder than imagined. You don't process all the abilities Aang holds, but deep inside of you is a potential that you have yet to unlock. The Fire Lord has a right-hand man, and if he were to get killed in battle with Aang, that man would become his predecessor. He is full of rage and has the spirit of a lion. You will need to defeat him before he is to do such horrible things that his path holds." Avatar Roku smiled weakly, watching as Shoko stared at him with slight confusion. 

"No offense, but why me? I'm certain there are other firebenders who qualify your standards. I don't feel comfortable when I bend, and I don't even know who I am."

Avatar Roku nodded, "You will remember your whole story, but today is not that day. Some memories will come easily, but others... you will have to fight to regain them, or they'll be lost forever. But I have no doubt, deep down, you know who you are. Who you really are."

Shoko stared at his feet, "Some memories aren't pleasant. The horrible feeling... of letting loose. I've killed a bunch of people, and I don't know why I'm confessing my crimes, but I hate who I used to be! I've lied to the ones I've been calling my family!"

"Facing your past is the only way to continue forward."

Shoko's eyes widened as he quickly lifted his face up, "Mom?"

"My sweet baby boy. You're all grown up, aren't you? Oh, how I wished I was there to celebrate your birthdays" She smiled and walked closer, holding her hand out for Shoko to take. "I don't have a lot of time but listen carefully. The man you are to face is an admiral, close to becoming a general much like Iroh-"

Shoko gave his mother a blank look, how does she know Iroh?

"He is willing to do anything to ensure Ozai's win. Please, my precious son, I promise you, facing your past is the bravest thing you will ever do. Don't let fear control you, nor the fire. You will take control over both, don't doubt yourself."

"How can I not? When you were the one to teach me fire is destructive and overwhelming, you told me it changes people... for the worse."

His mother looked down distastefully as she thought. "Yes, I did. I regret teaching you such lies. But you're not like them, no, you're like me, aren't you? My sweet little boy. You will use your flames to protect people, you will never be like the other firebenders unless you allow yourself to change. They abuse and hurt others who can't defend themselves, and you will never be like that" A sad smile formed on her lips, slowly, the mist overpowered her. 



Shoko sat up, taking deep breaths, he looked around his surroundings to see he was back on his bed.

"Wait what?" He muttered. He was back? On Zuko's ship.

"You were unconscious when I reached back the stairs" Zuko appeared from the door, he was looking rather tense. "What happened?" He asked. 

Shoko bit his bottom lip, how was he supposed to explain Avatar Roku spoke to him about stopping his evil father, then his mother showed up randomly, encouraging him to firebender and fight Lord Ozai's second in command? "Shoko?"

"Huh? Oh, uh, I think some old sage hit my head, no big deal, I'm fine" He smiled weakly and rubbed his head, where he was supposedly hit. 

"I'll get the doctor to check up on your wounds" Zuko informed, readying himself to leave. 

"Wait!" Shoko stopped him, "I need you to teach me some more firebending techniques. Like in case I get hit in the head again, pretty useful to defend myself-"

"No way" Zuko pulled his arm away, glaring at Shoko. 

"I think it's a brilliant idea!" Iroh chimed in, carefully pushing Zuko away so he could be acknowledged. "You two should spend more time together, more time as friends and learning from each other" He looked up at his nephew, "What do you say, Prince Zuko?

"Whatever" Zuko groaned and pushed himself out.

Iroh shakes his head with a small smile, "Zuko. Oh, how he surprises me" He chuckled, but right as he was about to leave, Shoko gently pulled on his shoulder, "Iroh! Would you happen to know if Ozai had a second in command at all?"

Iroh smoothed down his beard with his other hand as he thought, "I believe I may have some books stacked up all about the Fire Lord and other important people, may I ask why?"

Shoko smiled weakly before nodding, "I uh, just wanted to learn more about the warlords of the Fire Nation, nothing special."

Iroh hummed in reply and walked over to stand at the door frame, "You could borrow some of the books tomorrow if you'd like, but for now, rest and recharge. You've been through some journey. Rest well, Shoko."

"No matter the present, past, or future, they will always call you a monster. And you can do nothing to fit in with people that despise you. All they see is a mad dog who can't control itself and destroys everything in its way."

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