Chapter Thirty-Nine

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It was the day.

The day of his so-called marriage to Ramlah. Which he wasn't looking forward to. Who would be? Getting hitched with a woman he impregnated, whom was a married woman at that time.

He was in a deep sh-t.

He had the plan laid-out in his mind. It went like this; as soon as she puts to bed, he'd take the baby (whom he had no choice but to take) and with his father's image, scare her away then divorce her.

Genius right? Or maybe not...

“What are you thinking about? Oh... our bride, koh? [right?]” A friend of his teased with a wiggle of his brows, they just stepped out of the mosque after it was sealed. Not many knew about the main agenda behind the marriage.

If only he knew...

Imraan shrugged away his friend's hand on his shoulder before making way to his car. “Don't even bother to look for me,” he said over his shoulder and zoomed out of the mosque.







Ramlah felt all that.

The question that was stuck to her head was, 'What insanity made her do what she did?' God...!

Yodels filled the residence as people both invitees and uninvited joyously congratulated her for her 'marriage.' Most of those people thought of it as a 'happy marriage', unlike her 'arranged marriage.'

While some kept sayin-- no, gossiping that her first marriage was arranged and there was no 'albarka' [blessing] in it. That he was maltreating her --- some to the extent of saying that he'd beat her, that he once threw hot food on her face, and even refused to 'impregnate' her because he was disgusted by her.

Seriously though, what was society's problem with other people's personal issues?

E.g. of one of them was her aunt, “Ai I told Safiyya. I warned her not to get this girl married to that rich boy. Yanzu gashi [Now look], he betrayed her and left her with his child, his own child. Kai! May Allah bless this Alhaji Muhammad's son, Imraan. He took it upon himself to get married to an expectant single-mother and raise the child as his.”

Yep, that was the story her mother, Safiyya, fed to the others.

“Stop crying. Your matrimonial home is few minutes away and you wouldn't want your in-laws to see you this way, koh?” Ramlah could only nod.

After her family and few of his that came left, she found herself in the huge building she was supposed to call home. With her five months-old bump as she caressed it.

Some -tears-shed- minutes later, Ramlah went up to the bathroom to pee, freshen-up and make ablution. She felt a bit refreshed after a prolonged Sujood.

By now, Ramlah could hear footsteps that seemed to be approaching the closed door. The door was suddenly jerked open with a great amount of force, making her to almost jump out of her skin from the sound it made.


It was him.

But of course, what did she expect? It was his house and he'd definitely show up one day. Though she wasn't expecting to see him on their wedding day. She cringed. 'Wedding day' sounded... odd.

Reality hit her hard-- no, slapped her hard on the face. She was married to Imraan now, he was her husband and she was his wife; lawfully and islamically. Oh eff...

“You sleep on the couch and i take the bed,” what was that supposed to mean? Was he ordering her?

Ramlah scoffed, “And what do you mean by that?”

Imraan paused, “You dare question my authority?”


Ramlah laughed like a loon, was he sick in the head? “And who the hell do you think you are to order me like a maid? Like a piece of sh-t?”

“Oh trust me darling, you're more than just a piece of sh-t!” He spat back.

“Imraan! Watch the way you talk to me, am your unborn child's mother!” She yelled angrily.

“No you watch the way you talk to me,” he paused, “...prostitute.

That was the last straw. Out of anger she raised her hand and slapped him hard across the face. “Don't you f-cking dare call me that!” She never swore, but this time, she did anyway.

Imraan came back to his senses. “Well then what do you call a married woman who opens her legs for any man, just to seek for attention?!” He had the urge to strangle her to death. Luckily for her, his mother didn't raise him to be a murderer.

“Imraan!” Ramlah was almost in tears. She thought he loved her. Well he said he did, perhaps 'love' was just a weapon he used when they were lost in their little world back then?

If only...

Ramlah felt so weak she felt her eyes roll back into her head before slipping into darkness. Imraan shook her repeatedly in an attempt to wake her. Suddenly, he felt liquid between her thighs when he carried her.


Sh-t. The baby!

“No, no, no, no!” He screamed, increasing his pace towards the car.

Imraan heard her gasps from the backseat. “Imraan... Imraan... Do everything you can to save our baby. Please.” She wasn't even worried about herself, but the baby. It made him fall in love with her over and over and over again.

Yes, it was a confession.

He loved her but was too stubborn to express it. He himself only learnt of his love for her after the painful sight of blood seeping from the area between her legs.

Nonetheless, he promised, “I will, i promise, Ramlah. Hold on tight, do not let go...” it was a warning. He confessed sincerely, “...I love y--”

...and a truck he didn't know of crashed into their vehicle.

The day that was supposed to be their first time together as a couple turned out to be their last...


My apologies!!!
Please don't hate me for ending our new couple 😢 I myself hate the fact that i did this. has happened anyway🙄

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