Chapter Twenty-Three

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The sky was ablaze with the fire of the setting sun. The night sky was aglow with bright city lights as the pale crescent moon shown like a silvery claw in the night sky. He looked up at the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity.

Sadness is also a kind of defence as our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thoughts. Being sad might hurt, but it's kind of a healthy feeling people neglect. He sat on the soft woven chair in his balcony as he thought of his life all through. As confession to his mind, he could swear that all his life has been filled with empty hopes that tumbled around him.

Nur looked down at his feet. It was true that he never knew his sister and his father's first wife, ex-wife. By sister, he clearly did not mean Saana, he meant Sadiya and her mother, Asiyah. Nailah, their father's wife is his birth mother. Him been the first, then Imraan, and lastly, Saana. Both were spoilt and pampered by their parents. Making him look like the invisible one amongst them.

Omais as he knew -scratch that, as they all knew- is Asiyah and Muhammad's -their father- first child when they were married. He always felt left out since Saana was born. Not that he was jealous of his own sister. No. But she was their favourite of all four children. She was the exact copy of her mother, just the younger version of Nailah. He was still curious to know and see his sister.

He was the only one that saw the regret and unshed tears in his old man's eyes. Nur was aware of his brother, Omais' intention, but he'd rather keep shut and he did. Not wanting to open old wounds. And Omais never told anyone. Nur acted like he knew nothing and was the dumb older brother.

The total opposite of his mother, Nailah.

As for Imraan, let's just say the boy is.... maybe.... something else? Cause he certainly is! Slow poison, skirt chaser, whatever bad thing you could think of!...

Hearing the adhān, Nur stood up and slid open the patio door and enters his room, not before throwing one more glance at the sky. After his wudoo, he wore an ash thobe on a pair of black pants and exited the bedroom. He didn't bother to check Imraan's room to make him pray, knowing fully well that by that time, he likely is drowning his senses in vodka or in bed with anything in skirt, that was his normal routine.

Nur sighed and left the house for the mosque. Luckily for him, he made it before time, cause he always, always makes sure to be there before prayers.


Later that evening, he was laying on the black chaise lounge that was by the other side of the room as he did some work on his MacBook, he heard a knock on the door making him shout a 'coming'. He sat up and dropped his feet on the soft grey rug and slid on his flip-flops and went to the door. Turning the door knob, the door opened, revealing a young lady in a dark blue and white dress with a black scarf on her head with little of her hair peeking from the scarf.

"Sorry to disturb you Sir Nur, Hajia said to tell you dinner is ready," the maid said with her gaze glued to the floor.

"Okay, I'll be there in a few."

She nodded and left. Leaving the door open, he walked to the bedside drawer and disconnected his phone from the charger, before shoving it into his trouser pocket. He left the room after shutting the door, close.

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