Chapter Twenty-Four

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{A/N}: Important Author's note below.



Malik Ahmer sank himself deeper into the soft bed and pillows as the heavy weight of betrayal weighed on him. The memories of the past few days was still fresh in his brain as they kept rushing in. Kidnapping was something that was not taken lightly in Yemen - or any other country in general - it was punishable by death.

The Malik thought through the good/bad old days, 'Maybe he was being unfair to Taajwar?' He thought. No, that wasn't it in fact. Deep down, he knew that whatever made Taajwar kidnap Saajida was not his fault. He included him in every single thing like meetings in the Palace.

Ahmer never took him as an outsider, but as the brother he never thought he would have. Didn't he ever think of the consequences of his actions? Was it the level of greed that pushed him to act like that? Greed. That was the cause. Power. He was that thirsty for it. Lastly, didn't he think of everything their late parents did for him even though they didn't share the same blood?

Alas, it's said that blood is thicker than water, and he wasn't the same blood as them.

So deep in thought was he, that he did not hear the opening and shutting of the door. Malaka Amna was worried for her husband. He was getting all tense and walked up that it deepened the wrinkles, walking around the Palace in eggshells. She was just thankful to the Lord that the Amira was back home safely.

"Maliky [my King]" she sat by his side, throwing an arm around his shoulder. Always so deep in thought was her King.

"Hayaati" he tried to smile but failed to do that miserably.

"Still thinking, huh?" She didn't need an answer, let's just say it was rhetorical. "You know, what happened days ago wasn't at all your fault, it was just destined to happen and you surely cannot question the doings of Allah. Habibi [my love], I know you're hurt by your bro-- Taajwar's actions, you loved him like every other brother would to the younger one."

She adjusted her sitting position before grabbing his face to face hers, "you know what? let's just be grateful to God that Saajida is back to us safe and sound, her home."

Ahmer turned his entire body and took his wife's small and soft hands in his bigger ones.

"Sweetheart, Malaka of my heart, my soul mate, my love, thank you so much for everything you've done and still doing for me and the kids. Thank you for been there for me each time I needed a shoulder to lean on. Thank you."

Even though she wasn't some of his kids' biological mother, she still took care of them like they were hers.

She could only smile with a nod before making a straight face and said with a stern tone, "Now what are you still doing here? Enough of the emotional moment please," she stood up, grabbed his Royal crown and cloak before handing them to him.

Amna didn't need to tell him what she meant by that.

"Amna, thanks," He smiled, genuinely.

After getting up from bed, he put on the items she handed earlier. The Queen walked to the door and opened it wide for her King. He stepped close to her and nodded slowly at her. She squeezed his hand in reassurance before he walked out, with her behind.

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