Chapter Twenty-One

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Did you miss your girl???
...Well I did!!!!!!!



Her stomach growled loudly, crying helplessly to be fed. The bread and tea she had for breakfast was the last thing that went down her throat through out her day, except the water she took in sips. She couldn't really put anything in her tummy because of the pain below her stomach. Sadiya arrived at her work place about 5 hours ago. It was a night shift. She really hated night shifts with guts.

She loved her job, YUP! But been in night shifts, NAHH!! never.

A knock came on the door and was opened before she could answer. The person emerged from behind it and entered the office, walking towards her neat table that had some files and other things on it. Sadiya ignored the hunger in her and answers the Salaam directed to her, then looked up.

A weak smile found its way on her lips as the pain of her monthly visitor wanted to increase. All she wished was for was to find herself on her bed, covered in a comfy quilt and under the cooling air from the A.C, with her eyes glued to the T.V, while chowing the chocolate she always has in her fridge.

"Are you okay, Doc.?" Her assistant and only friend asked her, noticing her uneasiness.

"Yeah sure, am fine," she reassured her with a dull smile that didn't discharge Nurse Safinah's worry.

"Are you sure? You look pale and weak, and you look like you're in pain?" As a fellow woman, she understood Sadiya's expression without her even hiding it.

"Safinah am okay, don't worry. It's my monthlies cramps, that's all."

"Oh.. I understand, Sadiya. I'm sorry. Have you taken painkillers? I can go get it for you if you haven't," Safinah said with utmost concern, like she was the one feeling the pain. She was worried, obviously. As said earlier, she's a fellow woman. So that meant she knew how it felt.

"No need for that, i've taken some pills and the pain is subsiding. Thanks for the concern," this time, she chuckled with a genuine smile marred on her pretty face. Safinah nodded and returned the smile, then Sadiya speaks, "Is there any work that needs my attention?" She reminds her of the reason why she came into the office.

Safinah slaps her forehead while realising a groan, "shit! I totally forgot to tell you that the patient in room 102 wants to see you. Like wants to see you right now."

"Oh, okay. The girl with uhh... bronchitis right?"

"Yep. That's her."

"Fine then. I'll be right behind you."

Both stood up and made their way out of the office after the Doctor put on her white coat and slid the stethoscope from her neck to the hand. They walked down the hospital halls smartly, as Safinah tucked a hand in her uniform pocket and the other, holding onto the clipboard she goes around with.

Sadiya walked ahead and pushed her first finger forward, pressed the button as it did the work and the elevator doors opened. They were about to enter, when someone, or should I say- some 'people' pushed them and scampered into it.

Tightening her countenance -making her eyebrows to almost meet, she tilts her head to the left and throws the crazy heads a disgusted look. From the irking sound of the loud chewing of gum, she knew who it was.

"Hey!" Nurse Safinah exclaims, ready to pounce on the rude ladies.

Oh sorry! Rude Girls... duhh!!!

Sadiya |✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora