Chapter Twenty-Five

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The rich and nice aroma of coffee could hit one's nostrils even before you enter the small coffee shop. Many people, both rich and middle-class came to the small, warm and cozy café that was situated down the street.

To some of the people enjoying their lives in luxury, the small -yet cute- building attracted their eyes and it didn't matter to them whatsoever whether it was 'up to there standards' or not. It wasn't only it's coziness that brought them there, but the richness and niceness of what they served.

It was in a local café that the two conversed on the things they missed out on, in each other's lives. They sat by the far end of the building as they listened to each other's stories. Apparently, as Raheema had said, her father got her hitched with an old friend's son after Sadiya left with her Ommi.

Raheema was so sad and almost depressed when she heard of the sudden disappearance of her bestfriend out of the blue. Her parents were worried about their only child, and at that time, marriage was the only choice they had.

They knew the type of relationship their daughter shared with Sadiya, but never knew that their closeness was that deep. Of course, the girl was not happy about it, but for the sake of their happiness, she agreed to it and got married eventually to Mrs. Shehu's son, Yusuf.

At first, she thought he was the type of husbands that would make the wife face hell on earth with the excuse of not loving her. But Yusuf? He proved her wrong. He was there for her whenever she cried and wondered out loud where her bestfriend could be.

What state she was in.

She didn't have feelings for him during the first months of their marriage. He started to like her and confessed, but she wasn't ready by then. Months passed, feelings began to grow. Sadiya's disappearance dented her heart badly. Was she even alright? Could she be in trouble?

Yusuf and some other people he knew helped in trying to trace Sadiya and Ommi, nothing emerged from their search. She already gave up, while Yusuf suggested therapy. Raheema refused to welcome the idea of telling other strangers about her life happenings.

During that time, she didn't really know that her mother-in-law was a therapist. After a lot of convincing from her partner and family, she agreed to it. Days to months passed as she gradually started to change back to who she was.

Years later, she learnt to accept him and loved him romantically and islamically. She bore him a child, their daughter who's now laying on a hospital bed.

"So.. how is Ommi now?"

She missed her. She missed her only bestfriend so much. She had noticed the change in Sadiya. She still didn't know what happened that caused Sadiya's vanishment. All she knew was that the father got married again few days after his wife and daughter left, it was as if he was.. celebrating? But that didn't make any sense.

Sadiya sharply sucked in a breath as her throat started to burn, her eyes threatening to spill tears. Words chugged her throat as a huge lump formed. She had promised herself that she would no more cry, or at least, try not to cry. She convinced herself that her Ommi was in a better place.

In Shaa Allah..

"Sh-She passed few years ago."

Raheema was suddenly lost. Her tongue lost its purpose when she heard Sadiya's words. What did she mean by 'she passed'?

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