Chapter Twenty-Six

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Aamir Zayyan was buried in work to even think of his stomach that had been grumbling. It was almost sunset, and yet he hadn't eaten.

The problem concerning his products was already getting sorted out. He smoothened the worry lines that were threatening to appear on his forehead.

His brows curved down in a deep frown. Sleep was also trying to take over. He felt that he couldn't abandon the work he had to just sleep. The small, yet comfortable office in his presidential suite that screamed luxury and class.

A thought crossed his mind suddenly.

He decided to go for a drive to explore Abuja a bit to clear his head. Maybe and get coffee in his favorite cafè here? Yeah, good idea.

He got ready and set out with his bodyguards. A convoy of two black cars left the hotel with him, one in front and one back.

As they drove down the smooth roads, the Arab Prince was fascinated by the beauty of the city. The people's nativeness to their land, the tricycles of different colors taking people to their various destinations.

He liked the place...

Zayyan's car pulled up in front of the small cafè (he had missed the place) as soon as he arrived. Before he alighted the car, he put on his black shades and adjusted his black face cap to shield his face from the angry sun.

Two of his bodyguards in black suits followed him closely from behind. As one of them opened the glass door of the shop, the jingling of the bell was heard and before he could enter, a guy he didn't know rushed out like his tail caught fire. The man was holding a lady-- and hell...

Was she beautiful? Hell yeah.

Did she take away his breath? He certainly needed oxygen.

Did he continue to stare at her? Absolutely.

Did she stare at him back? Definit--

Wait What?


She was staring too...

Suddenly, "Put me down!" She half yelled, ready to gauge her carrier's eyeballs from their sockets.

Omais was startled but he ignored her, he badly wanted to hug his sister tight. Zayyan didn't know why his legs were failing to put themselves to use. He continued to look.

Sadiya shifted her gaze from his to meet Omais' even though he casted his eyes down because the pavement suddenly became attractive.

He did not wish to put her down, but from the way her eyes bore his head in flames like lasers, he had no choice.

He sighed. "Sadiya i--"

She slapped him hard across the face and he couldn't blame her. Zayyan winced slightly even though he wasn't the one that got slapped.

All that while, Raheema and the prince were watching. He wasn't really into the opposite gender, but this one? She had one effect on him.

The bodyguards were wondering while his royal highness stopped to look at something that didn't concern him. They dare not voice out their thoughts.

Zayyan just turned and left the scene, after all it was none of his business.

Even the thought of having coffee was long gone. He entered his car and zoomed off. The 'look' he was giving Sadiya didn't go unnoticed by Raheema. What was more important was the brother-and-sister issue.

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