Chapter Twelve

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Applying the last touch of makeup on her face, she picked up her clutch - giving herself a one over look in the mirror and sashayed out of the room in her tight fitted gown that flowed down and stopped some inches above her ankle. A long slit making its way from below her right knee to the end of the red dress. It clung to her shapeless body like a second skin.

The black stiletto sandals she wore on her feet making 'click clack' sounds as they come in contact with the clean sparkly tiles. Cascading down the stairs, she made her way to sneak through the backdoor at 11:00 pm, when she heard the voice that startled her - but composed herself so as not to show weakness to her supposed 'enemy'.

"And where do you think you're going all dressed up, young lady?"
Hajia Hajarah, her stepmother asked her, even though they don't get along.

"Look old lady, the last time I checked, my whereabouts are none of your damn business," Nailah half-yelled so as not to wake everybody sleeping, but she cared none the less.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me you little brat!"
Hajia Hajarah yelled at the spoilt brat of a stepdaughter.

"Or what? What the hell would you do?!"
The young lady in question shouted.

"Maybe tell your Dad?" The older woman said as she smiled evilly at Nailah, not knowing she was making a mistake of her life.

Nailah laughs hysterically and says, "oh please, we both know who Dad would believe among the both of us."

Now she's getting her - Hajia Hajarah feels challenged because she knows the answer to that without been told, Nailah-obviously.

"You little slo--"


She was cut off by a thunderous voice, which belongs to none other person but her husband.

"Daddy," Nailah called out to her Dad, hugging him while shedding crocodile tears - knowing fully well that her father would believe her with anything she says.

"Alhaji..." Hajia Hajarah began.

"Haba Hajarah, meyasa kike mata haka ne ? [why are you doing this to her ?]"

The most precious thing or rather, gem to him, is his baby girl, his princess, his world.

Heck ! He would do anything for her that would make her happy. The coolness of his eyes.

"Alhaji, ka bata yarinyar nan fa sosai [you have spoilt this girl way to much]" Hajia Hajarah said to her husband.

"Daddy.. is it because I'm not her biological daughter that she hates me to the core," Nailah - 'the actress', says to her father with a pout, as the fake tears cascade her eyes.

"No my baby girl, she doesn't hate you, okay?" he assured her and she nodded, he added, "where are you going all dressed up at this time, princess?"Senator Isma'il asked her when he noticed her outfit and light makeup.

"Alhaji, that was what I was asking her when she started been rude to me," that was Hajia Hajarah trying to reason with him.

"Daddy, I was only going to see Asiyah, she has been ill for some time now," that was half of the truth. Asiyah has been her best friend for 6 years or so, the duo are pretty close.

"But princess, you shouldn't have attempted sneaking out of the house to see a seek friend, okay?" Her father said and added, "why not you visit her some other time? Or rather, tomorrow, hm?" He suggested, totally ignoring Hajia Hajarah's presence.

"But Daddy...." Nailah began.

"No buts, princess," he said sternly. So she had no choice but to oblige, even though she promised a certain 'him' that she would visit him that night.

Her secret boyfriend.

After freshening up and laying on the bed the minute she changed into her nighties, she decided to call him and apologize for her absence - even though she literally controls the guy.

The phone rang and rang, saying that it's unreachable, she gave trying and switched off the phone, kept it on the bedside drawer. Drawing the duvet up to her chest, she said some duas she decided to say and retired for the day.

Leaving the only bedside lamp on the drawer and slept off....


Clearing the dishes, she sauntered into the kitchen and washed them. After that she switched off the lights of the living room and kitchen and sashayed to the stairs. Arriving at their room, she entered without knocking because she was entirely jetlagged.

Today, he ate her food, the dinner she prepared specially for him alone. Yes, Muhammad, which was rare. But it would be a lie if she says she's not happy, because she very much is. Sitting on the sofa that's at the far end of the room so as not to sleep off from been lured in by the soft bed, Asiyah waited for Muhammad to come out from the bathroom so she could wash of the remnants of the makeup, brush her teeth and change into her night wears, then go to bed of course.

As she started dozing off with her mouth slightly hung open, she heard the bathroom door open and close. She got her up on her feet. Muhammad just got out of his warm and relaxing evening shower in just a knee length short and grey singlet, with a small towel resting on his broad shoulders.

He made his way to the bed without uttering a word to his wife. He was surprised at how she dressed up for him and even prepared dinner, after all he did to her. She's just an angel in disguise. He didn't realize how much he missed her food, especially her presence until then.

He was busy thinking of her and smiling like a loon, realizing his mistake for been carried away with the beauty of another woman -who's not even his legally married wife.


He heard the shrilling sound of his phone, making him to hiss irritatingly, someone's calling. To his astonishment, it was none other than the devil herself.

What kind of best friend is she? How will she cheat her friend, that took her as a sister like that? She's just so heartless. And the fact that she still sleeps at night in peace is a surprise to him, after all she did. He even feels disgusted at himself for falling in her evil trap.


He needs to ask for Allah's forgiveness, then his beloved, Asiyah. The innocent soul didn't deserve any of his mean treatment towards her. She kept been the good wife she is. She has a heart of gold. She's a rare GEM.

Muhammad was brought out of his world of misery when he heard the door of the bathroom opened.

He quickly put his phone on silent and flipped it with its back facing upwards and pretended to be asleep before she could notice.

But she already did. Until then, sleep to him with it to another land, or rather, world as she laid down beside her husband...


Nothing much today☺. Hope you enjoyed it❤.

Don't forget to vote, comment, like & share. Thanks.

And one more thing!

Iftaar Mabrook to my Muslim readers😊 May Allah accept our prayers...


Assalam Alaikum🌹

Sadiya |✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें