Chapter Thirty-Seven (ɪ)

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He felt so miserable that he thought he was going to die of sadness and heartbreak. As if he was the one that did what she did.

The sunken eyes that always looked distant had dark bags beneath them, proof that what happened got him right there. His heart. The pitiful looks he received from his family and even unknown people he passed by on roads or pavements. He'd always ask himself, 'Is it that obvious?' and then scoff.

As he got ready for work, his mind couldn't help to drift to when she'd help knot his tie, then smoothen his shirt before leaving him a peck on the cheek. He heard a voice that seemed distant, "Yaya!" He bolted in surprise. Asma was standing right in front of him with her fingers raised. She has to snap them before grabbing his attention.

She was worried about her brother. They all were.

"Hm? Yes? What is it?" he sounded annoyed that he almost snapped.

It was nothing they weren't used to.

"Sorry," not ready for his emotional breakdown to be poured on her again, "Mamy asked to come tell you that you should come to the main building for breakfast." Without another word, she rushed out of the room.

Yazid sighed because he knew he'd never win against his mother. He adjusted his tie once more before exiting the bedroom. At his parents'. He just didn't find the heart to go back to his. He greeted his parents and exchanged some with his three siblings.

The meeting that had been conducted between both families; his and Ra-- hers, took place two days back. And he made sure to end every connections between them. Yes, including their marriage. But he did it with great difficulty. After that, he wished her the best in life and that was it.

Ramlah had cried her eyes out on that day and instead, blamed the devil for all she had done, herself. Everyone turned a blind eye to her pleadings until her father apologized and left with his family. Her mother seemed to not care, well she pretended to, but unfortunately for her, they could all see right through her mask.


He jolted on his chair when he heard his mother snap. "I've been talking to you," Hajiya Ruzainah was deeply worried about her son.

"Sorry. I uhm... I'll be leaving for the office now." He didn't wait for their responses before rushing out.

"Ya...zid." Alhaji Suleiman sighed tiredly.

"I really am worried about him," Hajiya Ruzainah looked as if she was going to cry at that moment.

Her husband smiled sadly, "Don't worry too much, he'll be fine In Shaa Allah," while wrapping her hand with his.

Hanging up the call, he let out a weary breath before packing up and leaving the company, it was already almost midnight.

Pulling over at the garage, he locked the car and walked up to the porch in calm steps. A maid opened the door after he blessed it with a knock and moved aside for him to grace them with his presence. Yazid briefly greeted his parents when he saw them in the sitting room, then left for his bedroom in the males' flat with the excuse of a shower.

They called him back to the main building to have a 'talk' with their 'son.'

"Yazid," his father called him once they all settled in his parlor upstairs.

"Na'am? [Yes?] Baba," he shifted on the one-sitter couch uncomfortably.

"How are you?" Alhaji Suleiman questioned, Yazid was wondering where the questions were coming from.

"Am fine, Baba," he said wearily.

"How are you, Yazid?" Alhaji Suleiman asked again.

Yazid sighed, "Honestly Baba, I'm not. I never was, ever since the whole..." he gestured his hands in circles, "Ramlah thing." He could feel himself almost in tears.

His mother, Hajiya Ruzainah, held his hands in her smaller ones. He gave them a reassuring squeeze and he returned it with a sad smile. A fake smile that she could see through.

"Yazid, I'm sorry for getting you married to someone like her. It's all my fault that you have to go through all this pain and you are the one suffering from my mistakes. Wallahi [by Allah], I thought that getting you married to my childhood friend's daughter was the right thing to do because you were a totally changed person after that old friend of yours; someone of bad influence on you.

Yazid, don't return back to that person you were before marriage. I hate to admit, but marrying Ramlah was a good thing that happened to you at a point in your life and we here all know that that's the truth, which they say is always bitter. All I can advice you to do right now is to forgive and maybe... try to forget all that had happened, though I know it'll be extremely tough, but try, at least.

Leave everything in your Lord's hands and In Shaa Allah, it will all be fine. Ka ji ni koh? [You hear me?]"

All he did was nod in response, "It's not your fault, Baba. You only did what you thought was best for me and I greatly understand that."

Alhaji Suleiman smiled and concluded, "May Allah help us all," and stood up to head up to his bedroom. Yazid was pondering over all his father said to him.

His thoughts were abruptly over when Hajiya Ruzainah spoke, "I don't think there's much to say anymore, your father has said all that's needed and I do hope you heed to his advice. Leave everything to Allah, because He alone knows best. Take this as a sign that something better will come.

Everything has a reason for happening and every chapter in life is a lesson. A chapter does not define the whole story. Explore your life more. You're still young, Yazid. You have to move on and most especially, take care of yourself because you still have your life to live. Forgive her and you yourself will feel as if a huge load was taken off your chest."

She patted his arm, "Make sure to pray Tahajjud, pour out your heart to your Maker cause He alone is the Most understanding. Good night and sleep well," she pecked him on the cheek.

Yazid smiled a genuine one and hugged his mother, "Thank you so much for everything, Mamy," she only returned his smile with a gladdened heart then walked off.


Peace be upon you all!

How was the chapter?
Yazid is in pain 😭🤧!!!
Do you guys want him to have a happy-ending or tragic?

Meet ya in Chapter Thirty-Eight😉 Cause it's getting hotter!!!


And Follow.


Assalam Alaikum🌹

Sadiya |✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin