Chapter Seven

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A red Mercedes-Benz gtc drove into the compound and directly to the large lot. A fair skinned Yemeni came out of the car after been opened by a guard who bowed to him, while pulling of his shades, revealing his dazzling face. With the cold breeze of Sana'a hitting his face, his environment, warm and homely.

Zayyan Ibn Ahmer, a 29 year old, whom just stepped his foot into the palace, Dar al-Shukr, Sana'a, situated in the country of Yemen. He's the third son of the King, Ahmer Ibn Ayyub, whom is married to one wife. After all, Islam permits polygamy for up to four wives according to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

King Ahmer Ibn Ayyub is the father of nine, five males, and four females. He lost his first wife, Nadidah Bint Omar, in a car accident and she didn't survive it.

Coming back from a stressful journey was caused the exhaustion he felt in his bones. He went straight to his father, the King's throne room to notify him of his arrival from Egypt. After a meeting with the King, he was sent by his father, for some official work.

With both of his guards, he arrived at the golden door and knocked before proceeding into the room. He entered and saw the King -who was busy as always -in the middle a meeting with the council of elders. He noticed his son's presence and concluded the meeting after Zayyan exchanged pleasantries with the council. The King was proud of his son including everyone else in the Palace because of his autonomous nature.

Zayyan briskly walked to his father, the King, who was seated on his golden throne with a crown on his bald head. He bowed his head and greeted the King respectfully.

"Peace be upon you, Dad," he greeted in Arabic.

"Peace be upon you too, son," Malik (King) Ahmer Ibn Ayyub replied with a small smile.

"How are you?" he added.

"Alhamdulillah," Zayyan replied with a tight lipped smile.

"You just arrived?" The King asked again.

"Yes," he replied as he sat on the floor cushion, facing his father.

"Masha Allah."

"And how was work?"

The duo continued talking about how the work at Egypt was going. Until Zayyan decided to go greet the Queen, his mom.

"Uhm... if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna head to Mom's," he said as he glanced at his wrist watch.

"Okay, see you at dinner," replied Malik Ahmer.

The prince nodded and walked out of the throne room. Then strolled through the long incandescent hallway, the domestic staff carrying on with their assigned works.

He reached a royal golden door and knocked gently. A 'come in' was been heard from the inside, most probably the Queen, he opened it and walked inside.

"Assalam Alaikum," Zayyan said, with a tiny stretch of his lips.

He ambled into the large room and Mabthoth Al Shioukh incense hit his nostrils. With a broader smile, he walked deeper into her large room until he heard her melodious voice reciting the Qur'aan as she was seated on a grey Sajjāda that was laying on the soft rug.

He sat beside his mother after getting a Qur'aan for himself from a bedside drawer. They read Surah Al- Sajda (a chapter in the Holy Qur'aan).

Malika (Queen) Amna Bint Mahir was the second wife of Malik Ahmer. The mother of four. Zayyan been her first child; 29 years of age. Then the second, Saajid & Saajida are twins and they are 25. Thirdly, Yaseen, he is 20.

Then, late Malika Nadidah Bint Omar had five children, two males and three females before she returned to her Creator. They were: the first Prince of the kingdom, Aamir Mahzar, married to Farha. They had three kids; a set of twins and a boy (Fareeha and Fareeh, who were eight years old then Aabid, six).

Secondly, Aariz, 36. Not married. He was grumpy and quiet as Zayyan --- just that Zayyan had a lesser grumpy side. Saajida's the playful and vivacious type amongst them.

Then thirdly, Labeeqa, 34, married to an Arabian, Ubaid Ibn Farooq with two kids, both males. Followed by Asma', then Umaynah.

The mother and son finished reciting the Qur'aan and kept them in the bedside drawer. Malika Amna faced her son, the prince and laid his head on her lap after they both got to the cozy queen-sized bed.

"I've missed you so much, my love," Malika Amna said to her son in a soothing voice, as she stroked his silky black hair gently.

"I missed you too, mother," Zayyan replied with a large smile plastered on his facial feature.

Zayyan was the closest to his mother, Malika Amna, amongst all nine of them. Late Malika Nadidah's four children grew up with Malaka Amna as their mother, because Malika Nadidah died when Asma was just three.

Malika Amna got married to the Malik a year and four months after the demise of the Queen. She took care of his kids like they were hers. They loved her and they still did.

"Have you eaten?" she asked him with concern laced in her voice.

"I haven't, but I'm fine don't worry," he said, knowing fully well that his mother would force him to eat. Even if he didn't wish to.

"Why? You just came back from an exhausting trip and you're telling me you're not hungry?"

"For the sake of Allah, Mom. I'm really not hungry," he begged while pouting his lips, making him look childish.

"No. I'm not taking that for an answer," she replied, not heeding to his words.

"Okay, how about I wait for dinner? After all, it's almost time for Ishā prayer," he said as he sat up and took her hands in his.

After so much persuasion, she finally agreed. He laid down on her soft bed, as she stroked his hair gently. Until he finally fell asleep. When she noticed that he had already slept off, she pecked him on the forehead and left the room to meet her husband.


Hi guys😆
How was it?

What do you think of the royal family of Yemen? I hope you like them.

How about Zayyan? So, no Nigeria here. Decided to write about the Yemeni family.

Let me know what to think of the in the Comment section👇

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Assalamu Alaikum🌹

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