Chapter One

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Life is filled with challenges and obstacles that we need to tackle with tenacity and grit. Challenging times might cause us to be spiral when we do not address feelings of doubt and anxiety.

If you happen to find yourself dealing with sadness, know that you are not alone.

Same here for her...

She rounded-up her work and dragged her tired self to the bathroom. She took a long hot shower to relax her stiff muscles and wrapped her body in her bathrobe with a small towel on her wet hair, exiting the room after a completed routine of hers.

Sadiya sat on her dressing table and began her usual eight-step skincare routine. Then some lavender oil on her hair, after drying it with a dryer. Changing into a mismatched pair of pjs once done, not having an interest in looking all matching after a stressful shift.

All she needed at the moment was a conversation with her Lord, food, then sleep. If work would allow the last, that is.

After a flood of du'aas, reminiscing the past life she lived in, the yawn which happened to escape her lips pulled her out of the dark cloud of past memories. 

His words were much needed as His presence, to which calmed the raging organ in Sadiya's chest.


The call of Fajr awoke the sleeping lady on the prayer rug. Tangled in the long hijab she covered herself in the previous night, one that she'd forgotten to pull off before giving in to nature. At least the Qur'an was safe beside her without an unintentional kick or two.

The devil was everyone's enemy, including her, so was insomnia. She hated it. She hated how it took over her dreamless sleeping circle.

Sadiya lived a boring life, one would taste its bitterness from afar. But she loved living it. Perhaps not love it, but Alhamdulillah, at least.

After an hour or so of bath, skincare, and dressing up, she left the confines of her little cage to the kitchen and had a plate of freshly fried eggs with some beef bacon and a few slices of bread - a steaming mug of coffee beside the plate.

Shutting the door of her apartment with numbered security, Sadiya threaded to the black gle Benz parked in the garage, deep down hoping she wouldn't bump into her lousy neighbor.


Oddly enough, the hospital was somehow her sanctuary, it was the only place she found pride of doing what she wanted to, without a hinge or two.

Words of greeting were thrown her way from the friendly securities and janitors.


Sadiya said back, a touch of soft smile on her lips. It was the early hours of the days so it was busy, albeit when was it not busy in Zahmal?

On the record time of 12 p.m., reviewing the never ending patients' files she'd met stacked on her desk -with Safeenah trooping in and out of the office-, her office number was rung from the reception, hearing of the emergency surgery some schoolgirls had to undergo.

Sadiya went into the OT after she put on her surgery gown, cap and mask, making sure to sanitise her hands before slipping them into the rubber gloves as she rushed into the room. She conducted the surgery with the help of Nurse Safeenah, her trusted friend and assistant, other doctors and nurses.

The surgery lasted for a stretch of 10 hours, said patients were transferred to the ICU because they needed intensive care from how badly injured they were from the huge mishap.

Immediately rounding the hallway, came the part she hated and liked too, relaying words of either comfort or heartache to the relatives. Hated because in some cases, it ended with wails soaked in pain or devastation. And liked because in other cases as the recent one might be, smiles and thankfulness towards them and of course, the King Himself, Al-Malik.

"Doctor, how's my daughter?"

"H-how is she...?"

Questions were asked randomly from the families, mostly the parents were there. Sadiya and other doctors calmed the scared people, hope shining in their orbs. Being a gynaecologist was enjoyable, yet hard, but seeing the hope vanish from people's eyes was heartbreaking.

"The victims are safe now, ma'am. There's nothing to worry about, in sha Allah," Sadiya assured.

"Your daughters are thankfully, out of danger now and stable. It might take a while for the injuries to heal but they've been sedated after some corrections for the fractures and shots of painkillers. You all have nothing to worry about," another doctor completed.

"Can, can we see them at least?" Someone amongst them inquired.

Sadiya replied with a nod and, "of course."

The first woman from earlier whom Sadiya had answered the question of also asked for her phone digits. They exchanged digits and Sadiya also learnt that the lady, Mrs. Shehu was a therapist. Could that be the reason why she was sending questioning looks toward her?

Sadiya sighed from the exhaustion of the surgery and headed to the meeting hall for some of the staff members' noon meeting.

She still had to make random checkups on her patients.

Sigh, what a lovely day it was becoming.


Hey pple

How was the chapter? I've got no doubt you enjoyed it. I mean, most first chapters are boring, but you've got to enjoy this one tho it might've as well been! Lemme know what you think of our fmc in the comments!

Your votes would be kindly appreciated.


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