Chapter Thirty-Six

Start from the beginning

What the...

"Nailah?" He didn't even bother to say 'Aunt' before her name, those were just memories... of the past. She looked startled. "Oh Omais it's you!" He had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. Was she blind?

He kept quiet. Seemingly unsure, she asked, "Would you like to eat something?" Would I like to eat something?! Oh Lord have mercy. Did she know that her husband was laying on the hospital bed almost lifeless? "Do you know that your husband is at the hospital?" He asked.

She rubbed her neck with a sweaty hand. "Y-Yes I do."

"And?" He raised an eyebrow. Nailah continued to stare at him like an idiot. Omais prayed for patience in his mind. Was this woman just blatantly stupid? "Why are you here? You know you're supposed to be the one with him at the hospital as his wife, right?" he angrily spat.

"Oh yes! Nur informed me earlier. Am so so worried about my husband. Like, what if he dies now? I mean the inheritance and all. If he dies now, i-- we will have nothing. After all, he didn't even give me the money for spa, hair treatment and all. What- what if he dies now and..."

"Enough! Do you even have a heart? You only care about money, how heartless can you be? The man is laid on a hospital bed, fighting for his life to the point of him giving up and you're here thinking of money? Is that all you think of?!" He scoffed, unable to keep his rage at bay.

Nailah was shocked because she'd never in her years of knowing Omais ever seen him that angry. Indeed, everyone had their own limit of patience.

"Omais I-I--"

"What happening here?" Her stutter was cut off when her daughter; Sa'ana's voice came.

Omais looked at her once more, disappointedly --- yet, furiously, before exiting the room. Sa'ana just stood by the door looking confused even after he lightly bumped his arm with her shoulder as he angrily walked off.

"Mum, what's wrong with that one?" She strolled towards her mother who had her mouth open, still in a daze.

"It's-It's nothing baby. It's just that your father is at the hospital. But nothing to worry about."

"What?! Mum, can you hear yourself? Dad's in the hospital and you're telling me not to worry? Why shouldn't I? You know what?" Sa'ana was already adjusting her shirt hurriedly, "am going right now. Are you coming?"

"You know what? Nevermind," she said, when she saw Nailah with nill intention of seeing her father at the hospital, she scoffed and left her mother in the living-room.

First was her step-son, and now, her own daughter? How great!
(Sarcasm Inserted)

The moment Nailah saw Sa'ana rushing down the stairs, she stood before her, "Please, let's visit him tomorrow instead. It's late after all, don't you think?" Sa'ana for a moment there was unsure but nonetheless nodded with a sigh. She was genuinely worried about her father.

Not his darn money.

Morning came and unusually, Sa'ana was the first to wake up after Omais. She got ready and left for the hospital with her mother, after rushing down her breakfast. Though her mother was trying to waste more time. Keyword here: Trying.

Saturday was quite a busy day for the hospital because people mostly visited during the weekends. Weekdays were not, after all, people either were at work or school. As soon as the mother and daughter stepped feet into the hospital lobby, they saw Omais on his phone -- probably a phonecall.

They ignored him and went ahead to the reception desk. After getting the ward number, they strolled deeper into the halls until finally, Sa'ana and her mother; Nailah came to a stop before the blue doors. The duo was nervous. Nailah gathered enough courage she thought was required before pushing the doors open.

Wordlessly, Sa'ana went towards her father's sickbed. She broke down the minute she saw him looking pale as though life had been already sucked out of him, with the wires connected to different machines on him body. Sa'ana rushed to him and hugged him tight, he was still unconscious. Nailah was still rooted to the doorway. Gradually, he started to open his eyes and they fell on his daughter; his youngest child.

"Dad." She cried in his chest as he laid flat. Unknown to the fact that he was awake.

"Baby?" He patted her head. Sa'ana immediately raised her head and when her eyes met her father's, she hugged him tighter. If it was even possible.

No matter how cruel and nonchalant their mother was to him and the children's upbringing, he still loved Sa'ana and nothing could change that fact.

"Dad you're awake! How are you feeling?"

Astaghfirullah for he was about to lie, "I feel quite better my darling." He swiftly changed the topic, "Where are your brothers?" By brothers, he meant Nur and Omais. Well, probably including Imraan...

With a pout of her lips, she shook her head negatively, "Not sure."

Alhaji Muhammad nodded and set his eyes on Nailah -- she was staring right back at him. They said nothing to each other. He turned to Sa'ana and told her to call her brothers --- that he needed to see them. She called Nur and after informing him, she told him to also inform Omais. Sa'ana also dialed Imraan and luckily, he answered.

As the family ghathered in the confines of the walls of the big enough room, Alhaji Muhammad was also helped to seat up so as to say whatever he needed to. Sa'ana was clung to his side, Omais and Nur on the sofa beside the bed by the wall, Nailah and Imraan were seating on the other one but at the far end of the room. Suddenly feeling more uncomfortable.

Alhaji Muhammad inhaled and exhaled deeply before he began, "I have something to say to you all and I would not like to be interrupted." He didn't even know how to start.

"Nailah," he called, her hands were shaking with sweat when she heard her name.

"I think whatever is between us now is over..."

What did he mean by 'over'?

She opened her mouth to talk but he silenced her with a raise of his finger. He was getting weaker. "I divorce you." He said the words -islamical- thrice, leaving all of them in shock. It was over, no going back.

The door swung open and they turned their heads to the sound.


Salaaam! Hy!!

How was the chapter? It's finally over (I've always wanted to end this marriage and and am finally getting to use this word; over!)

Keep reading!

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Assalam Alaikum🌹

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