Chapter Forty-Eight

Start from the beginning

She has this look I haven't seen in so long as she walked up the stairs. I rushed around the counter and put together two plates before grabbing the bottle of 1942. I was holding on to it for a special occasion considering it is a $599 bottle of liquor. But in all fairness in four hours, it is a special occasion, Ryder will officially be 21. She came bouncing downstairs and into the Livingroom falling to the sofa next to me. For a second, she reminded of me of the girl I left going on tour. Her blond hair tossed sloppily on the top of her head, her Victoria Secret sweatpants that sat on her hips with the word Angel in rhinestones on her ass. She had my old Metallica tee shirt cut into a half shirt on and every time she moved her belly ring sparkled.  

"Joey what you staring at?" 

I shook it off and smiled,

" Nothing, just noticed how much you look like you did when I left."

I really didn't know what to say to be honest I don't like remembering that time. If I had my way, I wish it was something I just forget. We spent a quiet night in just had some dinner and a couple drinks.

"You want to hop in the hot tub for a little bit Ry?"

"Joey it's like midnight."

"So what, we don't have Stryker for the night and nothing to do in the morning. Why don't you go up and get a suit on and I'll pull back the lid and get a bottle of wine and meet you in back."

Honestly, I didn't have to think about it, Joe wet with no shirt, I get to get that visual and not be obvious about it. We haven't done anything sexual since that last time in that motel back in Rhode Island when I left. I miss it, I miss the way he makes me feel and how his body feels against mine. 

"Give me ten minutes, I'll be back down."

I ran up the stairs throwing the bedroom door open. I feverishly dug through the drawer in my closet that had all my bikinis in it. I knew exactly the one I wanted. If we're going to be in the hot tub and drinking wine, I might as well give him something to look at. I know I was tipsy from the 1942 we had with dinner and well we played a game of pool. I finally found the one I wanted, and I smiled as I pulled it from the drawer. I slide it on and stared at myself for a second in the mirror. It was his favorite bikini. He bought it for me when we went to visit Danny in Miami and he had an interview. The royal blue string bikini was covered in rhinestones and barely covered my tits and vagina. I quickly pulled the scunchie out of my hair and ripped a brush through it. Quick mascara to my lashes and lip gloss and I was good to go.  

I was scanning the stereo looking for a certain song when I heard a soft,


My mouth fell open when I turned around. She looked sexy, so sexy that I don't know if I know how to not pull her into me and slam my mouth on Her's and kiss her till, she moans and begs me to make love to her. I adjusted my trunks before I reached for her. She took my hand, and I helped her up the stairs and into the hot tub. It was a beautiful clear night, and the sky was covered in stars which helped set the mood. I slid in next to her before pouring two glasses of her favorite red wine. She just smiled as she brought the glass to her lips. She looked at me through her long lashes before she slides closer to me.

"So, Ryder how was your spa day?"

She didn't say a word for a moment and before I knew what had happened, she slid over straddling my legs and her arms wrap around my neck. She whispered almost breathlessly,

"I still have to thank you for that."

"You don't have to thank me baby girl, I do it because I love you."

"Joey, you know I love you too"

I couldn't help but smile.

"Ry Ry"


"Happy Birthday baby!"

"Joey, you didn't forget!"

"Of course, I didn't, how could I." 

She just stared at me for a moment, eyes glassy before I know what happened her mouth crushed to mine, and her arms help me against her tightly.  She moaned against my mouth and that passion she always had was back. I fought my body to not react knowing that she wasn't ready to be together. Even though just staying this way kissing her tells me more than her words ever could.

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