Chapter Fifteen

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Joey picked me up after class, I didn't even make it back to my room, he sat in parking lot in his BMW waiting for me. My heart skipped a beat for some reason when I got that text in the middle of class that he was there and waiting for me. Yes, I finally unblocked his number.  Now here I sit at his house on his deck as he tries to grill some steaks and by the look of this grill, I don't think he has ever even used it. I looked up at him and for a minute I forgot he was this big star and more like the Joey I remember.

"So, Ry how was class?"

"Same as always it doesn't change. Teacher nailed me for being late though, but I had morning sickness and he said it wasn't an excuse. How was your shoot?"

"Same as the last one and the one before that. It's always look here smile there. Why is your professor being such an asshole, you have morning sickness you can't control that." 

"Thats just him."

"It's beside the point, so are you that sick like every day?"

"Well, I'm growing a tiny human, it's not easy."

"I'm sorry....."

"Why you sorry?"

"Because I did that."

"Seriously Joey it's not like you planned on knocking me up."

I watched him take the food off the grill and turn it off.

"Come on let's eat before it gets cold."

I sat up with Rocky right by my side. I see Joey look back and smile.

"He likes you and he doesn't like anyone."

"Of course, all babies and animals love me. Now if I can just find a guy who will love me like all these animals and babies do. That dating pool just got even smaller now."

I watched him put the plate on the table and he had the look I never seen before, he pulled a chair up next to me and looked over.

"Ryder you're my best friend let me tell you something. Any guy would be lucky to be with you. You are smart, sassy and silly all at the same time. You are beautiful inside and out. You have the biggest heart of any person I know. You remember that one time we had to do community service for our PIG class, and I let you talk me into doing it at the animal shelter, by the end of that day every animal including that one dog that even the people who worked there said he didn't like anyone loved you. You remember I couldn't get you to leave, you just crawled into the kennel with him and sat there petting him."

"I remember....."

"Thats what I'm saying your beautiful in and out. Any guy should be honored to be this you."

He looked up in my eyes, and it sent a shiver down my spine.

"You have to say that you're my best friend."

"The hell I do, your amazing Ryder and any guy you end up with needs to know that. Enough of this now you need to eat, because that's my kid in there and I can promise you he is hungry."

"He... I don't even know what it is yet, speaking of which I have an appointment next week to find out the sex. If your around and want to come, I'm just putting it out there."

"Give me the day and time and I'll be there."

"It's Friday at two, if your busy or something its ok, I can just bring Holly or something."

"I'll be there I promise. I'll pick you up at one."

"I can just meet you there, I know your busy and you got that charity event Sunday you're getting ready for."

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