Aegon felt as if the breath had been sucked from his lungs, a familiar and sudden anger had started to boil within his chest. "Then why are we standing here wasting our time when we could have already been down there, cutting the information out of that man's head?"

Viserra took in a deep breath before continuing, he had responded in exactly the manner she predicted. "He had the Prince's head in his possession as well...but now he may be laid to rest properly. Your mother is making haste with the final arrangements. Might we see that through before focusing our attention on extracting the information that we are both so eager to obtain?"

A slew of raw emotions ran through Aegon as he processed the words that had been said. Though he did not respond with his own thoughts, she watched as he attempted to contain his urge to lash out.

"If your guards find they cannot pull a confession from him themselves, I will see myself to the challenge." Viserra promised, bringing her other hand up to his arm and attempting to hone his attention back to her. "Draw your weapon and focus that anger through the blade. You might find it a good distraction for the time being."

Taking a deep breath himself, he seemed to relax under her touch. He watched as she brought her hand back to the hilt of her sword and motioned towards the Valyrian steel blade on his own hip. Viserra gave him a soft smile and drew her sword only moments before he wielded his own. Their eyes met again and she waited until he made the first move in her direction.

Aegon had only cared to train a handful of times over the last few years. To the expert eye, it was evident in his footwork and the way he handled his blade. While the times Viserra had worked with Aemond had been a challenge, the current clashing of swords with his brother felt almost playful. To her, it was important that a king possessing a sword made of Valyrian steel could wield it with confidence if ever confronted.

While they did not determine how long they would train, it was the ever watching presence of both the dowager queen and the Hand looming on the sidelines that ceased their dancing. Viserra quickly sheathed her weapon and watched as Aegon slowly brought his attention to his mother and grandsire.

"Mother." Aegon greeted, fumbling to put away his own sword and walking towards them. Viserra followed closely behind, quiet but curious in her usual fashion. "There is a matter I wish to speak with you about. It would be my desire for my son to only be burned at the pyre, as tradition for any Targaryen. No parading through the city."

Alicent's round eyes suddenly glazed over with sadness as she stepped forwards to hold her son at the shoulders. "You have been informed," she breathed, almost as if she were relieved to not be the one breaking the morning's news to him. "The Silent Sisters are preparing the little prince as we speak. We shall honor and lay him to rest this evening."

Aegon's body seemed to tense with her words and Viserra could see him take in an uncertain breath. She had almost expected to see tears in his eyes when coming to stand by his side, instead she found they were only filled with hatred and anger.

"Before the pyre, the city will pay their respects as we ride through the streets this eve. We will show the city folk the cruelty that your half-sister is capable of." Otto chimed in, stepping towards them all.

Aegon snapped his head towards his grandsire, his raging energy directed solely on him. "I do not wish to see my child's body pranced around the streets and used in politicking." The words came sharp and filled with emotion. "We will gather those closest to us on the cliffside as is tradition. I will hear nothing more on this."

The instruction was nothing short of a command and it had been directed towards his mother. Aegon had known she was in charge of planning the arrangements and had faith that she would see eye to eye with him on the matter.

Inviolable Bindings | Aemond & Aegon II TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now