Chapter 9: Auggie gets wheels

Start from the beginning

We arrive at the party. Kyle already has the bonfire going. There are people standing around the fire and sitting on the tailgates of trucks that have been backed up to the fire. I pull up and start to back up in the last empty spot by the fire. "Man, there are a lot of people here, Mr. Popular." She looks over and smiles. I see Kyle walking towards my window. "We better get out or they'll drag us out." We both hop out and round the back of the truck. I put my tail gate down and move the cooler closer to the edge so it's easier for River to reach it. Kyle reaches us and he already has a beer in his hand and trying to give me one. "Nah man I'm not drinking tonight." "What you have to, it's your birthday!", he encourages.

"I know, but I'm not drinking. I have to drive both River and I back home tonight. If I drink her parents won't trust me again." "That sucks man." He looks at River, "No offense". She just shrugs, "He's the one who agreed to it." She hops in the back of the truck. She has her cut off jean shorts on, she wore the shirt that has her and me in the bathtub together and her red Converse on. She has her golden hair down now, but I know it won't be long until it's pulled up into a ponytail. She brought one of my old hoodies to wear just in case she gets cold. She said she was putting on makeup, but I don't really notice any. She's beautiful without it. I'm glad she's never felt the need to wear a whole lot. Breaking me out of my thoughts she's standing in the back of my truck, "Auggie you want something to drink?"

"Yeah, can you just get me a water, I can't start off with the hard stuff." I flash her a grin. She shuffles through the cooler and brings out two bottles of water and throws me one. I untwist the cap and chug down half of it. "Woah slow down, we're going to have to pace you tonight if you keep that up." She laughs. She holds her hand out wanting me to help her down. Instead of grabbing her hand, I grab her by her hips and throw her over my shoulder, she squeals. "Let me down Aug!" I start to let her down headfirst on my backside "Auggie no!" "I thought you wanted down?", I taunt her. "You know what I meant." I bend over in the front and make sure she's planted firmly on the ground, but I don't let her go. I wrap her up in a hug and press my lips to her forehead. God I love when it's just the two of us like this. I've had other girlfriends since Amber, I actually just broke up with one a few weeks ago. I've just made the decision that I wouldn't have a girlfriend when River is around. I want all my focus on her anyway. She deserves it. "Hey River!" Logan screams across the bonfire. She steps back, but she lets me continue to hold her. Logan walks towards us and wraps her in a big hug. I know Logan doesn't like her that way. She's more of a sister to him than I have ever thought of her, but I still feel a tinge of jealousy. I want to be the only person she's hugging.

A lot of my friends come up and wish me a Happy Birthday, wanting to check out my new ride. Gracie brought a cake with candles. Everyone sings happy birthday. I'm sure the whole cake will be gone before the end of the night. I give Gracie a hug to thank her for thinking of me. I see Melissa heading over to where River and I are standing. The last couple of years Melissa and River have stayed away from one another. Occasionally, Melissa will throw a snide remark at River when all our families get together, but for the most part they don't speak. However, Melissa does try to attach herself to me at school and at these parties. I usually don't say anything. I don't think it's a big deal. I usually let her sit at our table and when we are at parties, she usually stays close so I can make sure no one takes advantage of her. Our families are still friends. I would hate for something to happen to her when there is something that I could have done. Tonight, with River being here it will throw off the normal orbit of things. It won't matter if River is not in Melissa's world or not, she will not go out of her way to be nice to Melissa. Melissa is the one that is used to be the center of attention, but with River being here no is paying attention to Melissa.

Melissa reaches us, "Hey Aug, Happy Birthday, let me guess River got you that shirt?" She rolls her eyes while giving me a side hug; she stays there a little longer than I feel comfortable. I gently shrug out of the hug. As always River ignores her, when Melissa sees she's not going to get a reaction she moves onto others who may give her attention. She knows she's not going to get it from me. River is fitting in with my core group of friends. They are playing around, telling stories about me. They think they're funny, but I don't, but I can't help but chuckle at some of the things I've pulled in the past.

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