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While Xavier and the brothers were preparing for the proposal, Edwin got a call from Samuel, his right hand and also, one of his assistants in his legal works.

He excused himself and went to a side to pick up the call.

However, his expressions drastically changed when he heard what the man on the other side of the line had to say.

His expressions turned from soothingly calm to enraged and angry ones.

Not just he was pissed off with what he had heard just now, he was also upset about the fact that not just Elizabeth, the people were in a set to drag his sweetheart in it as well.

And that was something that was not at all acceptable to Edwin.

He cut the call and stormed out in anger and went and stood near Xavier calling his name in a serious voice.

Xavier, who was lost and all busy in the preparations till now turned to face Edwin whose face was literally oozing fire.

"What is it Edwin." Xavier asked him as he saw that the guy standing in front of him was dead serious.

That atmosphere of the place changed as quickly and grave silence took over the place.

Natasha turned serious and the ever so jolly Noah also changed his demenour and turned to listen to the important thing Edwin was going to tell them.

Asher who was working seriously till now also focused on the duo chatting in a hope to escape this boring thing for a few minutes and focus on something fun.

But it seemed like what was going to be fun for him was not so funny in real life.

"We have found who was the one who had sent the waiter to attack on Elizabeth." Xavier stiffened in his position for the next ten seconds.

His voice which was calm and serene till now wavered when he heard what Edwin had in store for him.

"Wh....Who?" he pushed out the words forcefully due to the heaviness in his throat.

"Eldos Miller" he stated and all the five of them froze.

"El..... Eldos Miller?" Xavier asked again to confirm what he listened.

"That's right. Eldos Miller." Edwin re confirmed his statement.

"Samuel has gathered all the proofs. In fact, this man is after Elizabeth not from now, but from her childhood."

"You...... you mean he was the one who.." Xavier asked not being able to believe her statements.

"That is right. In fact, Rebecca is his daughter. He is the one who has planted her in their house."

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