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Elizabeth had decided that she would stay at night with Xavier

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Elizabeth had decided that she would stay at night with Xavier. She kept her head on his chest and he pulled her closer as they were both laying on the bed. It had been a long time they had been together. She was 20 . Xavier was 25. He was 5 years older to her. Their first meeting was not exactly a pleasurable one.


It was yet another boring day for Elizabeth. She was busy with her regular routine.  She was rushing to complete her work. After all she had a company to take care off. She had decided that she was going to complete her work soon and then submit the tender she had made to the company of the the great businessman, Xavier Giovanni. 

He was a big name in himself. Although most of the people had not seen his face. He was like an anonymous public figure. Only the people closely associated with him knew what he looked like. The Giovanni family was one heck of a big name. They were practically running the GDP of the country.

But despite the fact they were not very seen by people. Staying anonymous was a decision the elders of the family took so as to protect the life of their kids from being spoilt due to the interference of the media in their day to day life and all the members agreed.

Like most of the people even Elizabeth did not know who this person was and what he looked like. She just knew that in order to take her company to great level she had to acquire the partnership and guidance of the Giovanni's.

She completed her work fast , took out her car and rushed straight to their office. She asked the receptionist about the floor on which she had to go. The receptionist checked about her in her records and told her the respective floor. She rushed to take the lift and on reaching her floor , she quickly ran out but on the way bumped into someone. She was about to fall when the person held her hand and prevent her from falling on her butt and embarrassing herself.

 She was about to fall when the person held her hand and prevent her from falling on her butt and embarrassing herself

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Before she could say anything further, he lifted her upwards and held onto her by her waist . He pulled her closer and shouted on her face," Can't you see where are you walking. Bumping into people you crazy little woman." 

Now , Elizabeth got angry as well. She pinched his hand and punched him in the stomach . He groaned while holding his tummy . Elizabeth then smirked at him saying," Maybe you should learn how and where to walk Mr. You were the one who bumped into me and not the other way round. She turned around, picked up her stuff that had fallen on the floor and flipped her hair. After giving one last glance to the man, she moved in the direction where the meeting was to be held.

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