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Genevieve's POV

Mommy was putting the turkey in the oven while I was watching her and humming along with the music on the radio. Auntie Callie was helping by cooking the stuffing because she's now living with us after I found her living in the basement of the hospital a week ago. Mama has to work a half day today, but she's coming home soon with the promise of apple pie.

"Thanks for having me over." Auntie Callie tells me and I give her a smile. Auntie Callie wasn't going home for Thanksgiving so I invited her to celebrate with us..

"You are my family and I do not want you to be alone.." The doorbell rings and I walk over to answer it. An older man and two men stood in front of me.

"Is this where Georgie lives?" The man asked me and I gave him a look of confusion.


"O'Malley. Where is he, upstairs?" The man said.

"Who are you three? I do not know you and I will not let you in because you are strangers."

"I'm Harold O'Malley, George's father. Those two are his brothers Ronny and Jerry. We're here to take George out for our family tradition. By any chance are you Genevieve Forbes Montgomery-Grey?" Harold asks me and I nodded in response when George walked over to us.

"O'Malley!" The men chanted, causing me to cover my ears.

"Sorry Genevieve. I promise to be back for dinner." George apologized to me when the men dragged him out of the house and I headed back to the kitchen.

"Who was at the door?" Mommy asked me while checking on the turkey.

"George's father and brothers." Mommy handed me a plate of food and I began to eat it. The doorbell rings and I go answer it once more. There stood my adoptive Uncle Archer Forbes Montgomery and my adoptive grandfather Adam "The Captain" Montgomery.

"Uncle Archie! Papa!" Both men hugged me before Uncle Archer picked me up and carried me into the kitchen with Papa following behind us. Mommy smiled before Uncle Archer put me down and I went back to eating my food. The doorbell rings again and I run to answer it, revealing Cristina and Preston.

"Please come in." The two of them entered the house and we walked into the kitchen.

"That's my brother Archer and my father Adam. Dad and Archer these are our friends Cristina Yang, Calliope Torres and Preston Burke. You'll meet more of our friends later on tonight." Mommy explained before I was finishing my food when Uncle Archer grabbed it from my hands and feeds it to me.

"Uncle Archie! Not in front of my friends! I am a big girl!" I tell him with a pout on my face. The doorbell rings and I run to answer it.

"Auntie Lexie! Uncle Mark! Auntie Amelia!" They entered the house with Auntie Lexie's parents and sister.

"Happy Thanksgiving angel." Auntie Amelia tells me with a smile before she and Uncle Mark went to the kitchen.

"That's my father Thatcher Grey and my mom Susan. That is my sister Molly. Guys this is Genevieve, Meredith's daughter with her girlfriend Addison Montgomery." Auntie Lexie says with a smile on her face.

"It is nice to meet you. Thank you for coming over to celebrate with us."

"You are so sweet Genevieve. Thank you for having us over." Susan said before the four of us walked into the kitchen. Sitting on Auntie Amelia's lap, I began to eat my small plate of food when Auntie Amelia decided to feed me.

"This vegetable medley makes a mess and we don't want to dirty your pretty dress." Auntie Amelia said, causing Molly to scoff.

"She's not a fucking baby. You don't have to treat her like one! Or is Genevieve so retarded that she can't feed herself?" Molly says, causing me to get off Auntie Amelia's lap and run upstairs to my room. Going on my bed, Doc jumps on the bed and lays his head down on my lap before I pet him.

"I am not retarded. Am I? Is that why the families did not want me?" Tears fall down my face and onto Doc's fur, causing him to put his paw on my face in an attempt to soothe me.

Lexie's POV

"You're out of line Molly! You have no fucking idea what Genevieve's been through in her life! You don't get to go to someone's house and insult them, especially when they were kind enough to invite you!"

"Well she's stupid! She's not a fucking baby!" Molly yelled at me.

"She's autistic and an involuntary age regressor, you ableist idiot!"

"Are you going to let her talk to me like this?" Molly asks our parents.

"Lexie is right Molly. You can't just insult someone like that, especially your family." Dad tells Molly.

"Your father and sister are right. Molly, when Genevieve comes back downstairs you're going to apologize for your behaviour." Mom adds on, causing Molly to scoff before walking away. Mark walks over to me and I couldn't help but blush.

"Thanks for standing up for Genevieve." Mark tells me with a smile on his face.

"She's family and I won't let anyone hurt her."

"So, do you want to go out with me tomorrow night?" Mark asks me.

"I'd love to Mark."

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