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Genevieve's POV

"You're okay darling!" Grandma says and I nodded with a smile when Mama, Dr. Bailey and the interns entered the room.

"Okay Dr. O'Malley you're presenting." Dr. Bailey says while I give Grandma's hand a gentle squeeze.

"Okay Dr. Grey is post-op day three from a tumour re-section." George says, causing Grandma to shake her head.

"Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. He's got it all wrong. It's not asthma it's gerd. He needs a nissen fundoplication." Grandma tells us.

"Grandma, you already helped with that case. You needed surgery and that is what George is presenting."

"You are absolutely right darling." Grandma says, causing Izzie to give me a rude look.

"This is why Genevieve's our favourite volunteer here." Dr. Bailey says with a smile before ushering everyone out of the room.

"Darling, you may not have done well in school but you got one thing that many people don't have. You are an extremely compassionate person with a heart of gold. Remember that and don't let anyone take that away from you." Grandma says bed hugging me and I hugged her back.

"I promise to remember that Grandma."

"Miss Ginny!" Daniel and Tommy say before entering the room and run up to me.

"Hello boys. This is my Grandma, Ellis Grey. Grandma, these are the boys that I help out, Daniel Addams and Tommy Davis."

"Miss Ginny is the best Miss Grey! She gave me her bone marrow so I could fight my leukaemia." Tommy tells my grandmother.

"She helped me get away from my bad mommy and back with my daddy. Now daddy's wife Anna is going to adopt me as her own son." Daniel tells my grandmother before hugging me and Tommy joins in on the hug.

"Boys, where are your mommies and daddies?"

"Outside talking to Nurse Olivia. She told us that we could come see you for a bit." Tommy explained while pointing outside.

"We are glad you are okay Miss Ginny." Daniel says and Tommy nodded in agreement.

"I am glad that I am okay too. When I am a bit better, I will be back to playing with you guys."

"We know Miss Ginny." Daniel tells me with a smile that I returned.


Meredith's POV

"Skipping rounds my love?" Addison asks me as she arrives at the elevator beside me.

"Avoiding Dr. Shepherd so I don't kick his ass."

"Where is our little one?" Addison asks me.

"With Mom along with Daniel and Tommy. They got permission to enter Mom's room and she didn't kick them out." The elevator arrived and we both got in the elevator before pressing the buttons to our floors. Addison cups my cheeks with her hands and kisses me when the elevator opens and Derek enters.

"Well isn't this cozy. Can I join in or are you not into threesomes?" Derek asks, causing me to roll my eyes at him.

"The only Shepherd that I will ever have a threesome with is Amelia."

"You really are Satan, you realize that right? If Satan were to take physical form he'd be you, everywhere all the time." Derek tells Addison.

"If Addison was really Satan, you'd be burning in Hell for what you did to our daughter. Even criminals don't like child abusers."

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