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*This is Elizabeth Chapman(Genevieve's former foster mother. Wife of Wendell and mother to Eric and Zane)*

Meredith's POV

"All right. Details. Are you pregnant? What are you going to do?" I asked Cristina while we were walking to the front desk.

"Look, you know what happens to pregnant interns. I'm not switching to the vagina squad or spending my life popping zits. I'm too talented. Surgery's my life." Cristina tells me.

"Which begs the question: who are you sleeping with?"

"Burke. I'm honestly surprised that Genevieve didn't tell you. She saw us many times and I thought she'd tell you. She even noticed that I was throwing up and suggested getting a pregnancy test." Cristina explained to me, causing me to raise my eyebrows in shock. Not because Cristina's sleeping with Burke, but because Genevieve knows about pregnancy tests.

"Genevieve wouldn't tell me unless you're in harm's way or had your permission to do so. She didn't tell anyone about George's syphilis." We arrived at the front desk to see George and Olivia standing there. George and Olivia aren't together anymore because she decided to get back together with her husband, but they're still friends.

"We thought that you'd be home tonight." Olivia tells me.

"I came to check on Joe." Joe Stevens is the bartender at Emerald City Bar and he's just been admitted to the hospital.

"You think he's going to be ok?" George asks us.

"You think he's going to need an operation?" Cristina asks when Derek walks over to us.

"Operation, yes. Ok, hard to tell. Basilar artery's blown up like a balloon. Subarachnoid bleeding. Aneurysm the size of a golf ball." Derek tells us.

"No way to clip something like that." Olivia notes with a slight frown on her face.

"Not without magic fingers." Cristina added on.

"Or a standstill operation." Derek said before handing me the chart but I hand it to Cristina.

"I'm busy."

"He's doing a standstill operation." Cristina excitedly points out to me.

"Right now I can't work with him." I stated before walking away and bumped into Allison. Allison saw the look of anger on my face and frowned.

"Everything okay?" Allison asked me as we walked towards Joe's room.

"Honestly? No. Genevieve is still missing and I want to kill Derek."

"Mark told me what that man did. Honestly nobody would blame you." Allison says with a little chuckle.

"But Genevieve doesn't need her mama in jail."

"True." Allison says when we entered Joe's hospital room.

"Hey Joe. How are you feeling?"

"Like I got run over by a truck. How are you doing in your search for Genevieve?" Joe asked me with a slight smile on his face.

"There's a lead, but we don't know for certain where."

"You'll find her. The girl's strong." Joe tells me and I hummed in agreement.

Addison's POV

"Sorry to interrupt, Dr. Burke." I tell Preston Burke when I see him with Derek.

"You're never interrupting. Have they found any leads on Genevieve?" Preston asks me.

"They have a strong lead and are working on it."

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