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Genevieve's POV

"You better not say anything retard." My landlord Samuel Jacobs says when my old foster father Derek Shepherd entered the room. Derek Shepherd and Addison Montgomery were my foster parents from the time I was thirteen until I was seventeen. Addison was very good to me and treated me like her daughter. Derek on the other hand would abuse me and would threaten Addison's life if I told anyone. At the age of seventeen, I ran away from New York to Seattle where I met a very nice lady. She helped me finish high school and gave me a place to stay, but she passed away two months ago and I had to find a new place to live. That led me to this place where in order to stay here, I had to let Samuel sell my body. But I can't take it anymore, especially because now Derek was the one who bought me. Derek grabbed my left arm and twisted it, causing tears to appear in my eyes. Then he threw me on the ground and began to rape me.

"If you breathe a word to anyone at the hospital, I'll kill you." Derek says while continuing to rape me.

"Kill me then because I will not let you hurt anyone else." I muttered to Derek who gets off of me and I get dressed. Standing up, I grabbed my things and looked over at Samuel.

"I am leaving and never coming back." I state before exiting the apartment and headed towards Seattle Grace Hospital. I'll have to sleep in the on-call room until I find a place to live but it's better than here. Entering the hospital, I smiled at Dr. Bailey and Dr. Burke before signing in.

"Genevieve, do you mind sitting with Katie Bryce until her parents get here?" Dr. Bailey asks me.

"Of course." I replied before heading to Katie's room. Katie was lying in her bed when I entered the room and I sat on the chair next to her.

"You're hurt." Katie mumbled, clearly still groggy from the CT.

"I will be okay." Tears welled up in my eyes when Meredith entered the room and frowned upon seeing me.

"Dr. Bailey asked me to keep Katie company until her parents get here." Meredith nods when Katie's parents entered the room.

"Katie honey. Mom and Dad are here." Mrs. Bryce reassured Katie before I stood up and walked by the door.

"They gave her a sedative for the CT scans so she's a little groggy." Meredith tells the parents when my thighs start throbbing in pain.

"Will she be all right?" Mrs. Bryce asks Meredith who nodded slightly before grabbing my hand to leave the room.

"Our doctor at home said that she might need an operation. Is, is that true?" Mr. Bryce asks Meredith.

"She's um ... well ... you know what I'm not, I'm not the doctor. Um I'm a doctor. But I'm not Katie's doctor, so I'll go get him for you." Meredith explained before gently dragging me out of the room. We walked down the hallway where Dr. Bailey stood at the doorway to a large waiting room.

"What?" Dr. Bailey asks Meredith.

"Katie's parents have questions. Do you talk to them or do I ask Burke?" Meredith asks Dr. Bailey.

"Ah no Burke's off the case. Katie belongs to the new attending now. Dr. Shepard. He's over there." Dr. Bailey stats, gesturing over to where Derek stood. The tears in my eyes started to stream down my face and fear begins to fill my body.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" Meredith asked me and I shook my head, while panic filled my body.

"Did Dr. Shepherd hurt you?" Meredith asks me with a frown on her face.

"He raped me and twisted my arm." I mumbled quietly, hoping she didn't hear. Meredith's expression stated otherwise because she looked angry.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Of course not Genevieve! Remember Cristina? I need you to tell her what you told me and she'll look after you. I'll be there as soon as I can." Meredith said and I nodded before leaving her.

Meredith's POV

"Dr. Shepherd." Dr. Shepherd looks up from his charts and is shocked to see me, especially in my angry state.

"Dr. Shepherd? This morning it was Derek. Now it's Dr. Shepard." Dr. Shepherd states with an amused expression on his face.

"You raped Genevieve! She told me what happened and it's only a matter of time before everyone else knows as well!"

"You can't believe everything that retard says!" Dr. Shepherd says before a young boy around six years old walked over to us.

"Excuse me Miss and Mister? Where is Miss Ginny?" The boy asks both Dr. Shepherd and I.

"Miss Ginny?" Dr. Shepherd asked in confusion.

"Her name is Genevieve but she tells us to call her Ginny. I am Tommy Davis." Tommy tells us. He's one of the kids that Genevieve watches over.

"Miss Ginny got hurt this afternoon and is with a doctor. But I'll make sure you and the other kids get to see her later."

"Thank you Miss!" Tommy says before leaving us and I turned back to face Dr. Shepherd.

"If you hurt her again, I'll be the one to hurt you." I warn before leaving him and run into Dr. Webber.

"Genevieve's been raped and hurt. I know to normally go to Dr. Bailey but she's busy and Genevieve seems comfortable with you."

"I have to call Genevieve's emergency contact in her file. But clearly she's comfortable with you, so you can treat her." Dr. Webber says before I walked away in search of Cristina.


Addison Forbes Montgomery's POV

"Is this Dr. Addison Forbes Montgomery?" A voice from the other end of the line asked me.

"Yes this is she."

"This is Dr. Richard Webber from Seattle Grace Hospital. Genevieve Swan has put you as her emergency contact. So I'm calling to inform you that she's been raped and had her arm broken. She's in surgery now to repair her arm but won't let one of our gynaecologists examine her." Dr. Webber informed me and I couldn't help but tear up. My little girl has been harmed and I wasn't there to protect her!

"I'm actually in the area right now. I'll be at the hospital in an hour at the most."

"Alright, I'll inform Genevieve's doctors." Dr. Webber says before the two of us hang up. I'm going to protect Genevieve and never let her go again!

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