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Genevieve's POV

"Addison has told me what happened to you." My psychiatrist, Dr. Lana Sousa tells me before drinking her water.

"My arms are okay and I still feel pain in my stomach. Other than that, I am okay."

"Do you want to talk about what Derek and the Chapman twins did to you?" Lana asked me and I immediately shook my head.

"Not ready. I am still trying to get the nerve to tell Mommy and Mama about everything. It would not be fair if I told you first."

"That's alright Genevieve. Whenever makes you feel comfortable." Lana says with a reassuring smile.

"I thought Izzie was my friend, but ever since her party she has been really mean to me."

"Addison did inform me of that and that you have another mother, Meredith Grey. What are you doing to handle this Izzie situation?" Lana tells me and I shrug, unsure of how to handle the situation.

"Genevieve, I'm going to visit my family in Portugal for a month so I won't be able to do our sessions. I'm sorry to tell you like this Genevieve, but my brother's sick and needs me there." Lana explained to me.

"It is alright Lana, take all the time you need. Family is the most important thing." Lana gives me a smile before heading out of the living room. Uncle Mark and Auntie Amelia entered the living room with Mommy following right behind them.

"You've grown up so much angel." Auntie Amelia said with a smile before hugging me and I hugged her back.

"Hi Auntie Amelia and Uncle Mark." Uncle Mark smiled before hugging me and I hugged him back.

"Amelia's right. You've grown up so much sunshine." Uncle Mark tells me before lifting me up in his arms and I squealed in delight.

"Has your Mommy been feeding you?" Uncle Mark asks and I nodded in response.

"Mommy makes good food."

"That's great to hear." Uncle Mark says before putting me down on the ground.

"Genevieve, why don't you go get ready so we can take Uncle Mark and Auntie Amelia to the hospital?" Mommy suggested and I nodded before leaving the room.

Meredith's POV

"O'Malley, Yang, Karev, go on to clinic." Dr. Bailey tells George, Alex and Cristina who all leave the hallway. Dr. Bailey turns around to face Izzie and I to give us our assignments.

"You two come with me. Izzie, you're hanging with me today. Dr. Grey, you are examining Claire Rice in room 2380." Dr. Bailey says before I headed towards room 2380 where Claire and her parents were. Claire was sitting on the hospital bed biting her nails while her parents, Tina and Joseph Rice were standing on one side of the bed.

"I think she got some bug on her trip to Mexico with her friends. I told her not to go to a Third-World country, but does she ever listen?" Mrs. Rice says, reminding me a bit of Mom before her Alzheimer's diagnosis.

"She's been weak ever since and she's lost weight. And this morning, she passed out in the shower." Mr. Rice explained to me.

"I barely lost any weight." Claire mumbled under her breath, but I still heard her.

"When was the trip?"

"A couple weeks ago. I'm really fine. I just have a fever. Just give me some antibiotics and send me home." Claire tells me.

"Well, maybe it is just a fever, but they called down for a surgeon, so I have to give the ok to let you go. So just let me do the exam."

"No. This is crazy. I'm fine." Claire protests, earning her a glare from her mother.

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