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Meredith's POV

Walking into a trauma room, I see a nurse standing outside the door clearly waiting for me.

"You the surgeon?" The nurse asked me and I nodded in response.

"We've got a rape victim. Better get in there." The nurse says before I walked into the room and see a woman lying on a gurney, all bloodied up.

"Twenty-five ear old female found down in the park. Status: Post trauma. She came in with a GCS of 6 and BP 80 over 60. Examined significantly for blunt head trauma, unequal breast sounds, right pupil is dilated. And she's ready for x-ray. You ready to roll?" The ER doctor asks me.

"Yeah." I stated before checking the woman's pupils.

"Call ahead to clear CT. Let them know I'm coming. Load up the portable monitor. Call 'respiratory' for a ventilator. I'll get x-rays while I'm down there." An intern goes to grab the ventilator while me and the ER doctor bring the woman to the operating room. Entering the operating room, I scrubbed in and headed towards where Dr. Burke and Dr. Shepherd were beginning operating. Looking up at the viewing area, I see Genevieve sitting there with tears in her eyes. Did she know this woman?

"She's going to spend a hell of a long time in recovery and rehab." Dr. Shepherd states while operating on her brain.

"If she survives." Dr. Burke notes.

"What is she like 5ft 2"? 100 pounds? She's still breathing after what this guy did to her? They should castrate him." Dr. Shepherd says, causing me to roll my eyes at him. You should be castrated as well!

"See how shredded her hands are. She tried to fight back." Dr. Burke says, indicating to the woman's hands. Looking at her file, I see that her name's Allison Thayer.

"Tried to? Rape kit came back negative. She kicked his ass." Dr. Shepherd says while continuing to operate on Allison.

"Her name is Allison Thayer and I suggest that you use it."

"I think I may have found the cause of our rupture." Dr. Burke states before holding a bit of flesh and my eyes widen in shock.

"Oh my God! She bit off his penis." Go Allison! Dr. Burke quickly dumps the penis into a surgical pan and all of the men in the operating room let out a painful groan.


Genevieve's POV

"Allie, I know you may not hear me but it is me, Genevieve Swan." I state before sitting on the chair next to Allison's bed. Allison and I were foster sisters for most of our childhood, except when I went to live with Mommy. Allison did the best she could to protect me but our foster parents always hurt me, especially because I was smaller than most kids my age.

"You were really brave by biting that man's sword." Reaching over, I grabbed Allison's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"I wish that I was brave like you Allie, maybe then I would not have been hurt as much." Tears started to appear in my eyes but I don't wipe them.

"You know Allison?" Meredith asks, causing me to turn around to face her.

"We were foster sisters until I went to live with Mommy. I am not leaving Allie."

"I'm not going to ask you to Genevieve. I'd rather you be here than Dr. Shepherd." Meredith softly explained to me.

"I do not want him near her! I do not care that he saved her life, I do not want Dr. Shepherd near her!" I raise my voice slightly before Meredith hugs me.

"He won't get near Allison or you again." Meredith says before I begin to cry into her chest.

Addison's POV

"What's wrong?" I asked Dr. Webber who pointed to a room where a woman was unconscious and on a ventilator. Genevieve was in the chair beside the woman, holding the woman's hand and her head was on the bed.

"Allison Thayer was raped today and Genevieve hasn't left her side or let Dr. Shepherd near her. Meredith informed me that Allison and Genevieve were foster sisters. None of us had the heart to tear Genevieve away from Allison but maybe you could talk to her." Dr. Webber says and I nodded before entering the room. Walking over to Genevieve, I placed a hand on her shoulder and I could feel her stirring. Genevieve looked up at me with tears staining her cheeks and I couldn't help but feel my heart break.

"Little one, come to Mommy." Genevieve stood up and walked over to me on shaky legs, causing her to almost fall. Luckily I was able to catch Genevieve and placed her on my hip, causing Genevieve to rest her head on my chest.

"You had a tough day, huh?" Genevieve nods, clearly nonverbal right now. From past experiences, Genevieve often got like this due to her autism and ptsd, which was more often than not. Looking down, I see Genevieve falling asleep with my shirt in her mouth and I knew that it was time to go home. Walking out of the room, Dr. Webber and Meredith give us smiles before I turned to face them.

"Genevieve's going to take a couple of weeks off. Can you please tell the children that she's not feeling well? Also let me know if Allison wakes up so I can inform Genevieve. Oh and Meredith, I'm inviting you to my house for dinner on Saturday." I informed both of them before heading to my car.

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