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Genevieve's POV

"Can I hide in here?" Izzie asks me when she enters my hospital room and I nodded in response. Izzie closed the door and goes to sit down on the chair.

"What is wrong Izzie? Are you hurt?"

"I'm not hurt. I'm upset because people found out that I did a Bethany Whisper lingerie ad in order to pay my student loans. Now my patient doesn't want me to be his doctor and Alex wallpapered the whole hospital with my ad." Izzie explained with a frown on her face.

"You did what you needed to do to survive Izzie. Those people are meanies, especially Alex and the patient. Doing that ad does not stop you from being a great doctor and if they can not see that, then they are stupid."

"Thanks Genevieve. When do you get to go home?" Izzie asks me with a smile on her face.

"I was supposed to go home on Friday, but for two days I had a fever. I still have a small one but now I have to wait until next week."

"Okay. You also modelled?" Izzie asks me.

"No. I was in the foster care system for my entire life until Mommy adopted me. My foster families would abuse me because I was too small to fight back. When I was seventeen, I ran away from Mommy and Derek because Derek abused me. He threaten Mommy's life if I said anything and I could not take it anymore. I moved in with this nice lady who helped me finish high school and when she died, I moved to a bad apartment. My landlord Samuel Jacobs would sell my body as I could not pay rent. He sold me to Derek and that day, I told Ma-I mean Meredith what happened to me." Izzie had tears in her eyes and immediately hugged me.

"You went through hell and you're still very cheerful and bubbly. Also Dr. Shepherd needs a punch in the face. And did you almost call Meredith, Mama? I don't care if you did because it explains her behaviour." Izzie says while still hugging me.

"I do not know if Meredith wants me to tell anyone yet. So for now forget that I said that, please."

"Of course. But if Shepherd hurts you again, please let me know and I'll kick his ass." Izzie says when the door opens to reveal Dr. Bailey standing there with Allison.

"Izzie was just checking my temperature Dr. Bailey." Dr. Bailey nodded with a smile.

"Genevieve, you have a visitor here to see you. Also your mother will be back soon." Dr. Bailey says before she and Izzie leave the room. Allison runs over to the bed and lies down beside me.

"Eric and Zane did this to you?!" Allison asks in a slightly raised voice.

"Yes but I am okay now."

"I heard you have two moms now and they're both doctors here. They both talked to me yesterday when I came to visit you, but you had a bad fever. I believe they're Dr. Meredith Grey and Dr. Addison Forbes Montgomery. They're both hot!" Allison says while wiggling her eyebrows, causing me to giggle.

"You are not allowed to date them Allison!"

"Don't worry Genevieve. They aren't my type anyways." Allison states.

"You mean they are not boys."

"Exactly sis. I just appreciate beautiful people, but I'm not attracted to them in the slightest. Genevieve, I'm leaving Seattle after you're released from the hospital." Allison tells me and I couldn't help but frown.

"Will I see you again?"

"I don't know because of my job, but I promise to do my best to try. Besides, you don't need me Genevieve. You have two moms that adore you and I can tell that you adore them." Allison says and I immediately start crying.

"Leave! You are going to anyways, so leave my room!" Allison hugged me but I flinched at her touch.

"Genevieve, please calm down." Allison said but I continued to cry.

"Go away! You are not my sister or friend anymore!"

"I think you should go." I hear Mama say before Allison leaves and closes the door behind her. Mama walked over to the bed and lies down beside me before wrapping me up in a tight hug.

"Shh...Mama's here sweetheart." Mama says before taking off our shirts and pulled me onto her lap. My head laid on Mama's chest and I closed my eyes, wanting to feel Mama's warmth for a bit.


Meredith's POV

"What happened today? I thought you wanted to see Allison."

"Allison is going to leave Seattle and never come back to see me. She was the only person that never left me behind, until you and Mommy." Genevieve says while sucking on my bra strap.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. This must hurt you so much." Genevieve nodded while her eyes began to close.

"She is nothing to me anymore. She is just like my birth parents and everybody else, they leave me. You and Mommy will leave me too when you are both sick of me." Genevieve says when Addison enters the room, closing the door before walking over to the bed and lays on the bed beside me.

"Little one, that's not true. Mama and I will never leave you. I actually went to the courthouse to get Mama's name on your adoption paperwork. Now you're officially Genevieve Emily Forbes Montgomery-Grey." Addison says, causing Genevieve to open her eyes and face us.

"Really? I am both of yours now?" Genevieve says, causing Addison and I both to nod in response.

"Yay! Maybe soon we can tell the others. I accidentally called you Mama to Izzie but she promised not to tell anyone. I am sorry." Genevieve tells us.

"It's fine sweetheart. I'll tell the others soon. For now only Dr. Bailey and Dr. Webber know that I'm your Mama and that I'm dating Mommy. I have a secret to tell you Genevieve, my mommy has a sickness that causes her forget things. Nobody knows because she doesn't want them to know, so I trust you to keep my secret."

"I will not tell any Mama, I promise! I would do a pinky promise but my arms are broken." Genevieve says and I give her cheek a kiss.

"I believe you sweetheart."

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