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Genevieve's POV

"Hi Annie. I am back with some ice chips and a couple of games for us to play." I tell Annie Connors while walking over to her bed. Placing said items on the rolling table, I sit on the bed across from Annie.

"Thank you doll. But I'm sure you have something better to do than talk to the fat, nasty tumour lady. I mean, I let it get this bad. How much sympathy do I deserve?" Annie says with tears in her eyes.

"I like talking to you Annie. I know you were scared and that you thought maybe it would not get worse. Before I met my moms, I was scared to tell anyone about the abuse that I endured. But they made sure to listen to what I had to say and never judged me. So I am not going to judge you Annie. You are not fat, old or gross to me. You are Annie Connors, a kind woman who is scared of what is going on."

"You are the first person not to judge me since I arrived here. Every time I went to the hospital, someone died. All four of my grandparents, then my dad. My best friend's mom, my baby sister. They all went in, never came out. So I put it off." Annie tells me before smiling at me.

"I ran away from my now adoptive mother when I seventeen because her husband would abuse me. He threatened her life if I told, so I ran away to save her and myself. She came back into my life a few weeks ago and I told her everything. My point is that I felt better after I told and you will feel better after your surgery."

"Thank you doll. I am sorry that happened to you." Annie says with a sympathetic expression on her face.

"It is okay Annie." George entered the room and gave me a smile.

"I've got to get Annie ready for her surgery." George says. Nodding, I grabbed the games and headed out of the room. Walking towards the outdoor lunch tables, I bumped into Izzie and see anger in her brown eyes.

"Sorry Izzie." Izzie grabbed my arm and pulled me into an on call room.

"George doesn't want to be my friend because of your slutty retarded ass!" Izzie yells in my face, causing me to flinch at her tone.

"I do not tell people who they should or should not be friends with. George made that decision on his own." Izzie threw me to the ground and started kicking me in my stomach and my sides.


Meredith's POV

"You seem happier." Cristina notes.

"Addison asked me to move in with her and we said those three words." Alex and Genevieve both come to sit with us. Genevieve was holding onto her stomach with tears in her blue eyes. Her shoulder accidentally touched mine and she immediately flinched.

"You okay?" Cristina asked Genevieve with concern. Genevieve nodded in response before moving one of her hands to grab her drink.

'Is it true you get to scrub in on that tumour?" Alex asks Cristina when Izzie and George both walked over to us.

"You get to scrub in? How psyched are you?" Izzie asks Cristina while Genevieve had wide eyes upon seeing Izzie. She hurt Genevieve! No wonder Genevieve isn't talking, she's petrified of Izzie!

"On a scale of one to ecstatic, ecstatic." Cristina responded before noticing the look I was giving Izzie.

"Genevieve, I need to talk to you." Genevieve nods and the two of us stand up before heading back inside. Both Genevieve and I walked towards an on call room and entered inside. Closing the door, I ushered Genevieve onto a bed and I sat down next to her.

"Sweetheart, did Izzie hurt you?"

"Yes. She brought me to an on call room and yelled at me. She blamed me for George not being her friend anymore. I told hold her that I did not tell George to unfriend her. She threw me on the ground and kicked me in the stomach and my sides." Genevieve says before lifting her shirt up, revealing multiple bruises.

"Does it hurt to breathe?"

"No. Just hurts to move. Also George said sorry to me and we are friends again." Genevieve says before putting her shirt back down. At least I know now that her ribs aren't broken..

"George told Mommy and I. I'm glad you two are friends. Also I'm moving in with you two next week."

"How about George and Izzie? They need a place to stay." Genevieve pointed out to me.

"They can stay at the house until our intern year is over. After that, I'm going to sell the house but George is welcome to stay with us. He's making the effort to work on his friendship with you, plus he didn't hurt you. Izzie will have to find another place to stay."

"Did you tell them?" Genevieve asked me while playing with my scrub top.

"I'm telling them tonight." Genevieve nodded before laying her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes.


Addison's POV

"How are you feeling little one?" Genevieve looks up at me with those blue eyes that sparkled innocence.

"It just hurts a bit. Mommy please do not get Izzie fired. I do not want her to lose her job." Genevieve says while I played with her hair. I'm furious at Izzie for hurting Genevieve again but if Genevieve doesn't want to press charges, I can't force her.

"You are too kind for this world Genevieve. She's being punished by Mama."

"I know. Mama told me that she is going to live with us now and when the house is sold, George is coming to live with us. But Izzie is not and has to find her own place." Genevieve explained to me with a smile on her face. George did apologize and was willing to do the work to earn our trust back so I'm giving him the chance.

"So Amelia and Mark are coming on Monday. They will be here for two weeks and then they have to go back to work. But they promised to come over for Christmas and Thanksgiving."

"Can we maybe visit Naomi and Sam?" Genevieve asked me, referring to my other best friends Sam and Naomi Bennett.

"We can but right now they're going through a divorce. So right now isn't the best time, but we will go eventually. Also Lana is coming on Monday for an appointment with you."

"Okay Mommy." Genevieve says before closing her eyes.

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