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Genevieve's POV

"Amelia told us to bring her surprise for you here." Henry says while Allison walks a dog over to me and I immediately pet it.

"A doggy!" The dog wags its tail in delight while I continue petting it.

"It's a boy and you get to name him little sis." Allison tells me with a smile.

"Doc. His name is Doc." Doc happily barked before licking my face and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Henry and I have to leave for work tomorrow. We're coming back for Christmas though, promise." Allison tells me and I nodded, knowing that they had to go back because they've spent a lot of time with me.

"I know you have to go. But before you do, can we go to get some candy?"

"Of course we can tinkerbell. Let's go." Henry says before we leave the hospital and started walking to the convenience store. Doc was excited to walk with us when he bumped into a girl around my age with brown hair and green eyes.

"Doc, stop!" Doc stopped and walked back over to me.

"I am sorry. I just got Doc today. I am Genevieve Emily Forbes Montgomery-Grey."

"I am Alexandra Grey but everyone calls me Lexie. Are you related to Meredith Grey?" Lexie asked me with a smile while petting Doc.

"She and her girlfriend both recently adopted me. Why?"

"Meredith's my older half-sister. My younger sister Molly is extremely pregnant so I came home to help out during my break, while also going to hand in my application for the residency program at Seattle Grace Hospital." Lexie tells me.

"I will have to talk to Mama about this and she will see if she wants to meet you."

"That's fine. Let me at least give you my number." Lexie says before putting her number in my phone.

"It was nice to meet you Lexie."

"You too Genevieve." Lexie says before walking away and Allison gives me a smile.

"You really want to be her friend, huh?" Allison asks and I nodded in response.


Meredith's POV

"What does this mean to you? That my half-sister wants to meet me." Addison and I were walking down the stairs together holding hands. Genevieve told us about meeting my half-sister, Lexie Grey this afternoon while walking Doc. Lexie was kind to her so I'm willing to at least meet her, but I'm not talking to Thatcher. If Genevieve wants to meet him, I'll make that exception for her.

"It means that she wants to meet you and probably build a relationship with you. We could have the first meeting at Hart's Cafe." Addison suggested to me when we arrived on the paediatric floor and see Genevieve playing with the kids. She was pretending to be a dragon and the kids were pretending to be knights. Our dog, who Genevieve affectionately called Doc was sitting down next to our daughter.

"Rawr!" Genevieve growls while Doc licks her face, causing her to giggle.

"Get the dragon." Daniel says before he and Tommy lightly tackle her to the ground.

"Okay my ferocious dragon, time to go home." Addison says before Genevieve stands up, grabs Doc's leash and walks over to us.

"Ready to go home?" Genevieve nods before the three of us headed to the elevator.

"Can Doc sleep in my room with me?" Genevieve asks us.

"Yes. His doggy bed is already set up for him." Addison says, causing Genevieve to squeal in delight.

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