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Genevieve's POV

Entering Seattle Grace Hospital, I see Dr. Richard Webber talking to the new medical interns. I walked over to Dr. Webber and hand him his coffee.

"Thank you Genevieve." Dr. Webber says with a smile before turning back to face the interns.

"Each of you comes today hopeful, wanting in on the game. A month ago you were in med school being taught by doctors. Today, you are the doctors. The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point. Look around you. Say hello to your competition. Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. Five of you will crack under the pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play, that's up to you." Dr. Webber says before leaving and I walked over to Dr. Miranda Bailey.

"Here you go Dr. Bailey."

"Aren't you sweet? Thank you Genevieve. Why don't you go play with the kids? I'm sure they'll love your company." Dr. Bailey says and I nodded before heading towards the elevator and entered inside. Pressing the button for the fifth floor, I started to hum to ease my anxiety. Closed spaces always scared me, especially when my foster parents would be the ones to lock me in there. The elevator arrived on the fifth floor and I stepped out before heading towards the children's waiting room.

"Miss Ginny!" Tommy Davis cheered as I entered the room and I give him a smile. Tommy has leukaemia and at 6 years old no less. But that doesn't stop Tommy from being the happiest little boy in the world.

"Hi there superman! Are you saving the world from bad guys?"

"Not today. I have to do my treatments." Tommy says before I sat on a chair beside him.

"You are fighting the evil cancer cells with the medicine." Tommy smiles and other children run over to us. I recognized cousins Hope Samuels and Grace Walters, two girls who always came to visit their sick grandmother. However, I didn't recognize the little boy with bruises all over his face and I couldn't help but frown.

"Hi there. I am Genevieve Swan but you can call me Ginny. My name is a handful to say. What is your name?"

"Daniel Addams." Daniel replied, holding onto to his teddy bear.

"Well Sir Daniel, it is very nice to meet you and your cuddly friend there." Daniel looked up at me and smiled at me.

"Because Tommy has to take his medicine, I will read you a book. How about our new friend Daniel picks one?" The other kids all nodded and Daniel grabbed Jack and the Beanstalk before handing it to me.

"Miss Ginny is a really nice lady." Hope tells Daniel who smiled at her.

"Once upon a time, there lived a boy called Jack. He lived in a cottage with his mother and their most valuable possession was a cow called Daisy. Daisy provided fresh milk for Jack and his mother every day. They loved her very much. Sadly, the day came when Jack and his mother had no money left. Jack's mother told him that he would have to take Daisy to the market to sell her. Jack was distraught but he knew that they had no choice. He set off to market with Daisy, feeling very sorrowful."

"Will Jack get his cow back?" Grace asks me.

"Of course he will." Grace smiled before I get back to reading.

"On the way to market, Jack met a man. The man had a large, curly moustache and was wearing a sparkly yellow cloak. He stared with interest at Daisy and then said, "What a fine cow you have there, Jack!" "How do you know my name?" asked Jack, confused. "I know a lot of things," chuckled the mysterious man. "For example, I know that these beans that I hold in my hand have magical powers."

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