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Callie Torres' POV

"Auntie Callie are you done yet?" Genevieve asks me while sitting in my office chair, spinning around. Genevieve's here because Addison and Meredith want her to have a day off from volunteering, so I gave my surgeries to another surgeon. The two of us went to a restaurant for lunch and now we're back in my office. I'm sitting on the couch doing some paperwork while Genevieve was sitting in my office chair. Meredith and Addison explained that because of Genevieve's autism and ptsd, she involuntarily age regresses. She's also a lot more innocent than other people her age due to her past and medical conditions. Genevieve was rubbing her eyes while cuddling Buttons.

"Almost done, mija. Are you tired mija?" Genevieve nods before walking over to the couch and sits down beside me. She laid her head on my chest and closed her eyes, causing me to coo at her.

"Did you sleep at all last night?"

"Had bad dreams. I did not want to bother Mama and Mommy because they had to wake up early today." Genevieve replied before I played with her hair.

"I know that they had to wake up earlier today. I had to wake up early today as well, but your mommies won't be mad at you if you had bad dreams and woke them up. They just want to make sure that you're okay."

"In my old bad foster homes, if I cried because of a bad dream or wet myself they would hit me before putting cold water on me. I was not allowed to change my wet clothes until morning because of school." Genevieve explained to me while laying down with her head on my lap.

"Those families didn't deserve a sweet and loving girl like you. You definitely didn't deserve what happened to you mija. Nobody will ever hurt you again." Looking down, I see that Genevieve's fast asleep on my lap and I couldn't help but smile.


Meredith's POV

"Is she asleep?" I asked George who nodded as he entered the kitchen. Callie told us what Genevieve told her and we were beyond angry at those so called foster parents who put Genevieve through that.

"Is she scared we would hurt her? Because we won't." George tells us while getting a beer from the fridge.

"Genevieve only knew of bad people before us and while she had good people in her life, they were far and few. Henry and Allison left when Genevieve was placed in another home as they aged out. Pete went to his grandmother's a few weeks after meeting Genevieve. Genevieve knew that they had to live their lives and not worry about her, so she kept everything to herself." Addison explained to us while petting Doc.

"Genevieve will always have reservations about us. She's spent her developmental years with abusive assholes. It's made her learn to keep things to herself, but that's why it's up to us to teach Genevieve that she can trust us."

"She trusts you two for sure." George tells us.

"She trusts Meredith and I not to hurt her. But she doesn't trust us yet to tell us what is wrong. Even though she knows we won't hurt her, Genevieve still has that little bit of doubt in her mind." Addison explained to George, who nodded in response.

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