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Genevieve's POV

Wheeling myself out of the hospital room using the electric wheelchair, I headed to the nurses' station where Olivia and Nurse Tyler Christian were standing.

"Hi." They both gave me smiles and I smiled back.

"We're glad you're okay." Olivia says when Mama, Dr. Bailey and the rest of the interns headed towards us.

"Hey there's a new surgical case coming up from the pit. Likely diverticulitis." Dr. Bailey tells them when a gurney is wheeled in and Mama's eyes widened.

"Watch it! Hands off me! I could report you to the chief and you'd be out on your ass." An older woman says and I instantly knew that this was Ellis Grey, Mama's mother.

"Where is the chief?!? Where is the chief?!? You're all amateurs." Ellis says when she makes brief eye contact with Mama, whose eyes widened even more. Wheeling myself over to the gurney, I give Ellis a warm smile.

"What the hell are you doing here? Haven't I told you? How many times have I told you not to bother me when I'm at work?!!" Ellis yells at Mama, who runs off.

"I am Genevieve Forbes Montgomery-Grey and I am a volunteer here at Seattle Grace Hospital. I understand that this may be confusing for you, but Meredith is a surgical intern here." Ellis stopped screaming and looked down at me.

"Are you my granddaughter?" Ellis asked me.

"Yes. I was adopted by Mama a few months ago. Now the doctors here will take good care of you and I will be back."

"I'll tell you stories about my surgeries." Ellis tells me and I smiled in response.

"Looking forward to it." I tell Ellis before wheeling away and everyone had wide eyes, except for Dr. Bailey.

"I am going to find Mama." Dr. Bailey looks at me with a smile on her face.

"Let her know that she has the day off." Dr. Bailey says and I nodded before wheeling myself towards one of the offices. Entering inside, I see Mama with tears in her eyes and I wheeled myself closer to her.

"Mama, you should have told me that she has Alzheimer's."

"How do you know what that is sweetheart?" Mama asked me while wiping her tears.

"When I was seventeen I stayed with an old woman who had the disease. One time she called me by her daughter's name because she forgot who I was. I learned to just let her live in her reality because trying to change that was not helping her. Ellis now knows you are a surgeon here, but she also believes that she is one as well. Oh and Dr. Bailey said you have the day off."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you Genevieve." Mama apologized and I gave her a hug.

"You do not need to apologize. You had your reasons Mama and I trust you."


Addison's POV

Izzie, Derek and I are in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit with our patient, who's in a glass encasing.

"Where's the mother?" Derek asks while looking over the patient's chart.

"Gone. She stuck around long enough to get the kid strung out and then took off. Nice, huh?" Derek glares at me and I roll my eyes at him.

"You told me you had a newborn with an invasive mass. You failed to mention that she's premature, underweight and addicted to narcotics. There's no way that this baby is going to survive spinal surgery. Even if she does, she's a mess. She'll just get meningitis, seizures. She's going to live a short painful life." Derek tells me and I raise my eyebrow at him.

"You're not God Derek. You don't get to decide who lives or dies! Look if a patient has any chance at survival, which I think she does, then you have a responsibility to help her! May I remind you that you took an oath?"

"Look I'm sorry. I'm just going to go. I'll go check on the labs." Izzie says, clearly uncomfortable with our conversation.

"Actually Dr. Stevens, you are going to stay here and change the baby's diaper. Nurse Jankovic will get me my charts." Izzie glares at me and so does Derek.

"I'm not so forgiving when it comes to my daughter. You may be a surgical intern but you're also lacking humility. Both of you are lacking humility and respect for people that are different from you two. While you're on my service Dr. Stevens, you'll learn humility and respect for those different from you." Derek and Izzie both stormed out of the room and Genevieve entered the room.

"Hello little one. Enjoying your adventure?" Mark, Amelia, Sam, Naomi and Maya all went home yesterday. Though they promised to return for Christmas while Henry and Allison are staying longer. Right now they're taking care of Doc, the dog that Amelia and I got for Genevieve.

"Ellis Grey is a patient here and Mama is sad. When you have time, can you please help her?" Genevieve says and I nodded before hugging her.

"I will little one."

"Why did Izzie and Derek look angry at you?" Genevieve asked me.

"They're just mad that I'm making them do scut work. This is my case so it's going to be my way or the highway."

"I do not think they will go on the highway." Genevieve replied and I couldn't help but smile.

"It just means that they have to follow my rules or they can't help me."

"Ooh!" Genevieve said with wide eyes and I placed a kiss on her head.


Meredith's POV

"Welcome back chief." Richard looks up at me as I entered his office with a smile on my face.

"It's good to be back, Dr. Grey. Uh what can I do for you?" Richard asked me and I handed him my mother's file.

"It's my mother sir. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I know you two are close. But she made me promise. She seems to be reliving the heyday of her residency a lot these days. And I just thought maybe if you could stop by and say hello, it would mean a lot to her."

"Well of course. How are you doing otherwise? How's Genevieve doing?" Richard asked me.

"She's okay. Actually she's with my mother right now, listening to her surgical stories."

"Genevieve has this way with people that make them feel comfortable around her. Always has since I first met her. Didn't believe she was seventeen because of how short she was and still is, though now she's grown a little bit." Richard tells me and I gave him a smile before leaving his office, bumping into Addison.


"It's alright. Actually I was looking for you Meredith. I talked to Bailey and if you want you can be on my service today." Addison tells me with a smile on her face as we started walking.

"Did Genevieve convince you to do this?"

"Partly, but I need you to keep me from strangling Derek and Izzie." Addison says and I couldn't help but laugh.

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