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Addison's POV

"She's asleep. But the surgery went well." Mark tells me while I glanced over at Genevieve's sleeping form and saw the extent of her injuries. It's not fair that Genevieve went through this! Those bastards should be tortured for what they did to Genevieve!

"Thanks. Elizabeth is already awake and talking to the police since Genevieve can't."

"The burns should be fully healed by next month, but for now give her sponge baths." Mark tells me before Genevieve's eyes open and looks around frantically before spotting me.

"Little one, you're okay. You're at the hospital where nobody can hurt you." I tell Genevieve while caressing her cheek with one of my hands.

"Eliza?" Genevieve asked me with concern in her voice. Eliza was the nickname that Genevieve gave Elizabeth when she was a child. Allison explained that this was one of the first names she started saying along with hers and Henry's.

"She's okay sunshine. She's here along with our family and friends." Mark tells Genevieve when our family and friends entered the room.

"Hi there buttercup." Sam says, using his nickname for Genevieve. Genevieve smiled before Maya walked over to Genevieve and touched her face.

"You got so big since I last saw you Maya. What are you twenty?" Genevieve says, knowing that Maya was actually thirteen.

"I am thirteen now Genevieve. You're really brave for saving that little girl." Maya tells Genevieve with a smile on her face that Genevieve immediately returned.

"Hi there bunny. How are you feeling?" Naomi asked my daughter while I lifted her the top of her bed.

"Okay. Mommy can I have some water?" Genevieve says and Maya immediately goes to put the straw in her mouth. Allison walked over to Genevieve with tears in her eyes and hugged my daughter.

"I'm sorry for abandoning you. I'm really sorry Genevieve." Allison tells Genevieve with tears streaming down her face.

"Allie, I am not mad at you. Mommy and Mama told me that you were getting help with a doctor, just like how Lana helps me. You are my big sister and Henry is my big brother. That will never change." Genevieve responded before hugging Allison back.

Meredith's POV

"You want to date Allie?" Genevieve asked Henry with wide eyes, causing me to quietly chuckle. Genevieve's expressions were absolutely adorable, even when they weren't meant to be. Elizabeth came to visit Genevieve and told us that she's going to Los Angeles. Naomi offered the woman a place to stay and is helping her get her marriage annulled.  She's planning on legally changing her last name to Winslow and to adopt Mary as her own.

"Yeah. Is that okay with you tinkerbell?" Henry asked, using his nickname for Genevieve.

"It is okay with me Henry. Just promise me that no matter how your relationship goes, you two will always be my siblings." Genevieve says with a pleading look in her eyes.

"We promise Genevieve. Now get some rest and I'll come by tomorrow." Henry promised before kissing her forehead and walked out of the room.

"I'm glad you're back sweetheart. You had all of us worried."

"Not everyone. Derek and Izzie do not like me." Genevieve pointed out to me before I hugged her close to me.

"Yes but they don't count sweetheart. Did you hear that Allison punched Izzie for being mean to you?"

"No, but Allie would do that. She punched a foster brother of ours for trying to take Buttons from me." Genevieve says, causing me to remember what Amelia said about the bear and how she found Genevieve. Addison and I agreed not to tell Genevieve about her and Amelia's connection until she's better.

"Mama would have punched him too." Genevieve smiled before kissing my cheek.

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