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Genevieve's POV

"I would not wish this upon anyone. Literally it's like someone reached in and ripped my guts out." A woman says to a man that was clearly her husband. The man was holding onto her like Mommy holds onto Mama.

"Baby you had food poisoning." The man tells her.

"I had one lousy restaurant clam. Wait a minute where's billing again?" The woman asks out loud.

"The main floor. You will see the reception desk as soon as you get off the elevator and they will take care of it for you."

"Thank you." The woman says before I get off the elevator and start walking to the nurses' station where Olivia was talking to Mommy's old friend, Weiss Hunter.

"I already told you I don't need an appointment. I'm not a patient; I am a friend from New York." Weiss says while I tapped his shoulder. Weiss turns around and smiles when he sees me.

"Genevieve!" Weiss says before hugging me, lifting me off the floor.

"Hi Weiss. Olivia, I will take it from here." Olivia nodded with a smile while Weiss puts me down on the floor. The two of us started walking towards Mommy's office and I couldn't help but smile at Weiss.

"A month ago Savannah's mother died of ovarian cancer." Weiss says, referring to his wife.

"Katherine died? I am sorry."

"That's Savvy. I mean you know how close they were. I mean all she could think about was this breast and ovarian cancer gene." Weiss tells me when Izzie walks over to us.

"Hey retarded slut. You just can't stop trying to sleep with men, can't you?" Izzie says, causing me to tear up.

"Listen lady, you don't get to talk to my niece that way!" Weiss says before leading me away from Izzie. The two of us entered Mommy's office and I smiled upon seeing Savannah.

"Come give me a hug pumpkin." Savannah says and I go hug her before she pulls me onto her lap.

"Hi Auntie Savannah. Uncle Weiss, I did not call uncle first because I was not sure if you wanted me to call you that."

"Well I do want you to call me that." Uncle Weiss tells me with a smile when Izzie enters the room.

"A positive test result isn't the end of the world Sav. It just means that you have a gene mutation that could-" Mommy started to explain.

"I know what it is. I've talked to the genetic counselor. I've been to my gynaecologist and now I'm here. Addie, you're the best surgeon there is." Auntie Savannah says while I lay my head on her shoulder, inhaling the familiar scent of apple cinnamon.

"True. But this isn't surgical because you don't have cancer." Mommy says while I play with Auntie Savannah's shirt.

"And I have no intention of getting it. I want you to take out my ovaries and the uterus. And when that's done you're gonna find the best person out there to cut off my breasts. My mother died of it. My aunt. My cousin! She's thirty-seven, has ovarian cancer." Auntie Savannah says while playing with my hair before I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep.

Meredith's POV

"Addison's friends are here because one of them is her patient. Genevieve's with them and it doesn't help that Izzie was making comments to Genevieve."

"Shouldn't he be more excited? Maybe he's in shock, I don't know. But I mean he survived! It's huge! He's got to realize things happen for a reason." George tells me, referring to his patient that fell off a building and miraculously survived without much injuries.

"What's with the 'Hello Kitty' on your forehead?" Cristina asked me when she walked over to us, indicating to the bandaid on my forehead.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"I have a test date. Burke is testing me." Cristina tells us.

"Carpe diem. This is the luckiest day in the world!" George tells us and I roll my eyes at him.

"Tell that to the bird." Cristina and I both tell him, referring to the bird that saved his patient's fall before dying.

"The bird would have a better attitude than you two." George muttered.


Addison's POV

Izzie's putting a bandage on Savannah's arm wile Savannah is lying in her hospital gown. Genevieve was on my lap while I'm writing in Savannah's patient chart.

"Is it the kid thing? I saw your face upstairs. It's the kid thing for most people. And the breasts. Oh and the total menopause like overnight." Savannah asks Izzie while Genevieve was cuddling Buttons.

"It's a big step." Izzie notes.

"Auntie Savannah is being brave." Genevieve tells us, causing Savannah to smile at her.

"Thank you pumpkin. And yes I'd love to be pregnant. I want a lot of things. I want to sky dive. I'd like to learn Italian. I want to go to San Trope with my husband and lie topless on the beach." Savannah says, causing Genevieve to stick her tongue out at that image.

"They do excellent implants in reconstruction these days. You won't even know the difference. Plus you'll never have to wear a bra again. That's something right?" Savannah laughs before smiling at Genevieve.

"It's not the kid thing." Izzie tells Savannah.

"Okay. What? It's not like I have a lot of options. One take my chances and never get cancer. Two take my chances and die young." Savannah responds while Genevieve was playing with my necklace.

"There's a third option you know? Take your chances, get cancer and fight like hell to survive." Izzie says, causing Genevieve to burst into tears.

"Oh stop crying retarded slut! She's the one with the gene and she's the one who's mutilating her body! Not you, so fucking stop that crying!" Izzie yells at Genevieve.

"Don't you dare yell at my niece or call her those awful names! And another thing, it's my choice to get rid of these body parts, not yours." Savannah yells at Izzie and I glared at her while rubbing Genevieve's back.

"I'll inform Dr. Bailey about this and tell her you're no longer on this case. Now get out." Izzie stormed out of the room.

"Why don't you keep Auntie Savannah company while Mommy goes to grab some lunch?" Genevieve hops off my lap and walks over to Savannah, who pulls her onto the bed. Getting up, I walked out of the room before walking towards the nurse's' station where Cristina and Meredith were. Cristina held two dresses in her hands while wearing the white floral one over her scrubs.

"Which one is right?" Cristina asks Meredith.

"For what? You're going to look hot in either one." Meredith tells Cristina.

"She's right, you're going to look hot in either one. If it helps, Preston is nervous about this date as well. He asked me what restaurant he should take you to. But if you really want to know what dress to wear, I think the purple one."

"Thanks. Where's Genevieve?" Cristina asks me.

"With my friend Savannah. Meredith, do you want to be on my case? Izzie got herself kicked off by just bad mouthing my friend's medical decisions. Well that and making our daughter cry."

"Sure, if Bailey's okay with it." Meredith explained to me.

"I was looking for her to make the switch official. Well that and grab Genevieve something to eat."

"I'll page her." Cristina says before leaving the nurses' station.

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