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Meredith's POV

Cristina and I were walking down the sidewalk adjacent to the hospital while holding our cups of coffee. George and Izzie are living with me and are turning everything upside down, it doesn't help that they're so happy all the time.

"They're everywhere. All the time. Izzie's all perky and George does this thing where he's helpful and considerate. They share food and they say things and they move things, and they breathe. Uh! They're like happy."

"Kick them out." Cristina suggests to me as we keep walking.

"I can't kick them out. They just moved in. I asked them to move in."

"So what, you're just going to repress everything in some deep dark twisted place until one day you snap and kill them?" Cristina asks and I nodded in response.

"This is why we are friends." Cristina says as we entered the hospital with Alex trailing right behind us.

"Why is the Nazi making us stay in the Pit two days in a row?" Alex asks us.

"Leftovers. Got to get the cyclists who were too drunk or too stupid or too scared to get themselves to a hospital yesterday." A woman entered the hospital carrying an unconscious Genevieve in her arms. Genevieve was bruised and bleeding all over, causing rage to fill my entire body. How dare someone hurt Genevieve? Alex grabbed Genevieve and gently placed her on a gurney.

"These two guys were hurting her a few blocks from here, but left when I yelled at them to leave. Before she passed out, she said that her name's Genevieve Forbes Montgomery." The woman explained to us.

"Dr. Alex Karev will take you to get some coffee." Alex nodded, knowing that Genevieve wouldn't be comfortable having men operating on her. The two of them left while Cristina paged Dr. Bailey and Izzie. Taking my phone out of my pocket, I dialled Addison's number and placed the phone on my ear.

"Addison, Genevieve was brutally raped and beaten. Come to the hospital."

"Okay thanks Meredith. She's extremely vulnerable around men, except for your friend George and Dr. Webber. Please take care of my daughter." Addison says when Dr. Bailey and Izzie both ran over to us.

"We'll take care of her." I responded before hanging up my phone and placing the phone back in my pocket.

"Dr. Grey, you and I will operate on Genevieve. Dr. Stevens, you and Dr. Yang will inform the Chief about this." Dr. Bailey tells us and I looked over at her.

"Genevieve's afraid of most men, so perhaps with what's happened only women should operate on her." Dr. Bailey nods before the two of us wheeled Genevieve into the elevator.

"Genevieve has helped patients and their families more than we ever could. She may not have a medical degree, but she makes the patients and their families feel safe and comfortable. She helps kids with cancer feel confident in their illness by having then believe they're superheroes." Dr. Bailey explains to me while we waited for the elevator to reach our desired floor.

"How long have you've known her?"

"Since she was seventeen when she helped one of our worst patients deal with dying. She sat with the woman every day after school and every weekend. That woman's children didn't even visit her but Genevieve did. Eventually the woman died from her cancer with a smile on her face. She left Genevieve a St. Germaine Cousin pendant, the same one she's currently wearing right now. Later on, I found out that St. Germaine Cousin was a patron of child abuse victims and I believed that both women were abused as children." Dr. Bailey explains to me and I looked down at Genevieve.

"You're going to survive this Genevieve because you're a warrior."

Addison's POV

Entering Genevieve's hospital room, I see the bruises, burns and blood all over her body and I can't help the tears that fall down my face. Genevieve doesn't deserve what's happened to her! She's suffered enough and deserves to live in peace! Sitting on the chair next to the bed, I grabbed Genevieve's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Meredith entered the room and walked over to me before handing me Genevieve's pendant.

"She had it on but Bailey took it off her before the surgery. The woman that brought Genevieve here said that it was two men that hurt Genevieve. Genevieve has two broken arms, a broken nose, a concussion and a mutilated vaginal area. We had to do a full hysterectomy due to the severity of the mutilation, so Genevieve won't ever have her own biological children." Meredith explained to me.

"Did they catch the bastards that harmed Genevieve?"

"It was Eric and Zane Chapman, my old foster brothers." Genevieve responded, causing both Meredith and I to face a now wide awake Genevieve.

"Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling?" Meredith asked Genevieve with a smile on her face.

"Just a bit sore." Genevieve replied to Meredith before turning to face me.

"Eric and Zane are two of the monsters that we saw at the mall that day. Can I please have some water?" Genevieve say before Meredith hands me a cup of water with a straw inside. I placed the straw to my daughter's lips and she began to drink the water.

"They've been caught and won't ever be able to hurt you again." Meredith tells Genevieve with a smile on her face.

"When Genevieve gets out of the hospital, you're coming to our home for dinner."

"Please come Meredith! Pretty please!" Genevieve said, using her sweet smile.

"For you Genevieve and your mother, I'll come." Meredith says with a warm smile that caused butterflies in my stomach.

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