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Lexie Grey's POV

"Are you done school yet?" Genevieve looks up at me while on the grass petting Doc and I couldn't help but smile at her. We were at the park because Meredith and Addison had to help with victims of a train wreck. They didn't want Genevieve to be at the hospital right now due to what happened the other day.

"Graduated high school last summer, but my grades are not good so no college or university for me. Plus Mommy said that I do not have to work and can still help people by volunteering. How about you Auntie Lexie?" Genevieve says with a smile on her face.

"I'm still in medical school but will graduate this summer. My younger sister Molly is married to Eric Thompson and are expecting their first child. I came home for my fall break in order to help mom and put in my application for the residency program at Seattle Grace Hospital." Meredith explained that Genevieve was raised in the foster care system with abusive assholes. She has had good homes but they were far and few. Meredith also explained that because of Genevieve's autism and ptsd, she involuntarily age regresses. But also because of her past and medical conditions, Genevieve's a lot more innocent than other people her age.

"How come I have to be with you? Normally I am at the hospital with Mommy and Mama." Genevieve asked me before I sit on the grass with her and put my arm around her.

"I asked them if we could spend the day together. Are you tired of your Auntie Lexie already?"

"No Auntie Lexie. I love spending time with you. It is just ever since I got trapped in the elevator, I just feel scared when I am away from them." Genevieve explained to me and I couldn't help but hug her.

"It's okay to feel that way. Just know that your mommies will always come back home."

"Pinky promise?" Genevieve asks while holding out her pinky and I latched mine with hers.

"Pinky promise."


Genevieve's POV

"Alex, are you okay?" I asked Alex when I saw him sitting on one of the gurneys that was in the tunnels.

"I thought Meredith said that you're with her sister." Alex says before I sat down on the gurney beside him.

"Auntie Lexie had to go help her mommy, so she dropped me off. I am just waiting for Callie so we can have lunch. Are you sad because you were scared in the elevator?"

"I wasn't scared." Alex tells me and I hold out Buttons for him.

"Buttons' hugs make everything better. Buttons made sure that when I am scared or hurt, I know that I am not alone. You are not alone Alex, I am here."

"Thanks kid. You're right though, I was scared. I froze when Pete was getting worse but George helped him." Alex says with tears in his eyes and I hugged him.

"This does not make you a bad doctor or a bad person. Do not listen to what others say because they do not know the real you. I do not know you well, but I know that you are not evil like people say."

"Thanks kid. Don't worry about Dr. Shepherd, I made sure he knows not to mess with my family." Alex tells me before hugging me.

"You see me as your family?"

"Yes. You remind me of my little sister." Alex tells me with a smile on his face.

"You are a big brother to me Alex and one of my best friends. If you ever need a person to talk to, I am here."

"The same goes for you kid." Alex says with another smile on his face.

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