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Meredith's POV

"They found Genevieve?!" Addison asks Dr. Bailey while holding onto my arm. About twenty minutes ago, we got a call from detectives saying that Genevieve was found and has been admitted into the hospital.

"They did. Genevieve's former foster mother called when her husband and sons left the house. Genevieve has been severely beaten, raped, cut and burned." Dr. Bailey says when Henry and Allison arrived with the rest of our family and friends.

"She's being operated on by Dr. Torres and Dr. Burke. Dr. Sloan, can you operate on her burns?" Dr. Bailey tells us and Mark nods before taking the chart and George leads him away.

"Elizabeth was abused by her husband and sons. She was the only kind soul there and wanted to protect us, especially Genevieve. If the detectives say Elizabeth helped Genevieve, then that's what she did." Allison says and I nodded in response, believing her. A woman with brown hair and brown eyes enter the hospital. She had cuts, burns and bruises all over her body, causing Addison, Amelia and I to run over to her.

"Elizabeth?" Henry called out in a small voice, causing the woman to look up and face him.

"Henry and Allison. You're both okay!" The woman responded, making me realize that this was Elizabeth Chapman.

"We're okay Elizabeth. Genevieve's being operated on by some of the best doctors." Allison reassured the woman when Olivia comes over with a wheelchair and I helped Elizabeth sit down.

"I'm Dr. Meredith Grey. That's Dr. Addison Montgomery and Dr. Amelia Shepherd. Can you tell us what happened?"

"Wendell, Zane and Eric were pissed that I helped Genevieve escape. But they're more pissed at the fact that I helped a two year old baby girl out of that house." Elizabeth tells us.

"You guys were still foster parents?" Allison asks Elizabeth.

"Last week Mary Winslow was brought to us. Genevieve wouldn't let them hurt Mary and hid the girl in her closet when they wanted to hurt someone. She told Mary to cover her ears and not to scream. Mary did good and when I brought Genevieve food, she gave it to Mary. Yesterday they took Genevieve down to our basement and that's when I told Mary to run. To tell the police that she's lost. Genevieve has to be okay!" Elizabeth tells us, causing my blood to run cold at the fact that Genevieve got hurt.

"They're doing all they can. We have to treat you right now Elizabeth." Amelia tells the woman when Allison grabs my arm.

"Take care of Elizabeth. She's good people." Allison tells me and I nod before we leave to treat Elizabeth.


*A week prior*

"Wicked little whore, we got a surprise for you!" Eric tells Genevieve, who looks at him with speculation in her eyes.

"What is it?" Genevieve asks Eric who brings a two year old little girl into the room.

"A new whore for us to practice on." Eric says before leaving the room and locked the door. Genevieve got up from the bed and went over to the girl, bending down to her level.

"My name is Genevieve Emily Forbes Montgomery-Grey and I am eighteen years old. You can call me Ginny or Evie if my name is too hard to say. What is your name?"

"Mary Winslow and I am two. Why are you here? You are a big girl." Mary asked Genevieve when she hears footsteps coming towards the room. Genevieve grabbed Mary and placed her in the closet.

"Mary, I need you to stay in here and not come out until Elizabeth or I come into this room. Cover your ears and do not scream. The men here will hurt you if they find you. Okay?" Mary nodded and Genevieve closed the door before running back to her bed. The door opened to reveal Wendell, who had a glare on his face.

"Where is she?!" Wendell screamed in Genevieve's face, causing her to slightly flinch.

"Who are you talking about sir? It has only been me in here." Genevieve lies before Wendell grabs her arm and throws her to the floor. Mary had her ears covered and was biting on a pillow to keep quiet, but she could see Genevieve being hurt by Wendell through the grates of the closet.

"Where the fuck is she, wicked little whore?" Wendell asked Genevieve, who doesn't answer and starts screaming when the man kicked the side of her head. Mary had tears streaming down her face watching Genevieve being hurt. She wants to scream, but remembers what Genevieve told her about being quiet so she didn't scream. Wendell grabbed Genevieve and dragged her out of the room towards the basement. Mary just stayed in the closet with silent tears streaming down her face.


Addison's POV

"I hear that you didn't want Derek to check on you." I tell Richard, who's still lying in bed still all bandaged up from his surgery. Using my tiny flashlight, I started to do the exam on his eyes and he started to squint. Amelia and Meredith are operating on Elizabeth while Mark, Callie and Preston are operating on Genevieve. Sam and Naomi Bennett and their daughter Maya are in the waiting room with Henry and Allison.

"I heard Genevieve's been found." Richard tells me.

"She has and will be extremely upset if you don't get better. For you to do that and get discharged, you have to let me examine you." Richard nods and I started to do his exam.

"What makes you think he wants to be discharged? Addison don't you know that this hospital will crumble unless Richard's here holding up the walls?" Richard's wife, Adele says upon entering the room. Richard had a horrified look on his face while Adele came to hug me.

"Adele, you're supposed to be in the Virgin Islands." Richard tells Adele who walks over and kiss his cheek.

"Oh you are in five kinds of trouble Mr. Man. You had brain surgery and didn't tell me? You also didn't tell me that Genevieve was kidnapped! I had to hear about all of this from Addison." Adele tells Richard, who looks over at me.

"She asked about Genevieve, Richard. What was I supposed to say? Besides, the only way you're going home today's if someone is with you."

"Did they find that precious girl?" Adele asked me.

"Yes. She's in surgery now Adele. How do you know my daughter?"

"Sometimes Genevieve would sleep in the waiting rooms or in on-call rooms. So I would offer her a place to stay and give her a home cooked meal. I taught Genevieve how to cook and do other necessities. Genevieve would come for dinner or call to see how I'm doing. Very sweet and kind young woman. Did you know that Genevieve can sing?" Adele gushed with a smile on her face.

"No I didn't."

"One time she was cleaning the house to surprise Richard and I for our anniversary. We came home early and heard her singing Don't Speak by No Doubt. She has a very powerful singing voice. She was startled by our appearance but we assured Genevieve that she didn't have to hide her voice or do housework for us." Adele tells me and Richard nods in agreement.

"The very first day that I fostered Genevieve, she asked me how she should earn her keep. It took me months of explaining that I didn't want Genevieve to do anything but be a child. She never had that chance and now I'm trying to give her that chance. I just want her to be okay."

"Addison, Genevieve will be okay because she's a fighter. Just like her moms." Richard tells me and I give him a smile in response.

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