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Genevieve's POV

Everyone has secrets that they don't want revealed, but regardless secrets are always revealed in the end. Grabbing my things, I headed over to the nurse's station where Olivia stood with a tearful Daniel in her arms. Burns, bruises and open wounds were visible all over his tiny body, causing my heart to break into multiple pieces.

"What is going on?"

"Daniel's teacher brought him here when she found him eating out of the garbage bins. Social Services has been called but Daniel won't let anyone treat him, so George suggested that I call you. I'll go get Dr. Bailey and Dr. Grey." Olivia says before leaving and I opened my arms, causing Daniel to run into them.

"Who did this to you Sir Daniel? I promise that I will not let anyone hurt you ever again."

"My mom, Rachel Addams." Daniel tells me when a woman with blue eyes and fiery red hair stormed over to us. She tries to grab Daniel but I push him behind me and looked directly into the woman's eyes.

"What are you doing? Give me my son!" The woman said and I realized that this was Rachel Addams.

"Daniel is not going anywhere with you! You are not going to hurt him anymore!"

"Is that what the little bastard's told you? He's a spitting image of his dick of a father, Wyatt Addams! Of course I had to hurt him so he'd learn to be a good boy." Rachel says with a smug smile on her face.

"Daniel is a good boy, which clearly he did not learn from you!" Without thinking, I slapped Rachel's face, causing everyone to look at me in shock. Mama and Dr. Bailey walks over us and I turned to face Daniel.

"That lady with the gold hair is my Mama Dr. Meredith Grey. The other lady next to her with the black hair is my good friend Dr. Miranda Bailey. They will help you Daniel and reunite you with your daddy." Daniel nodded before hugging me and leaves with Dr. Bailey and Mama. Turning back to face Rachel, I couldn't help the glare on my face. I may not be able to stand up for myself yet, but I'll always stand up for the people I care about.

"You do not deserve a wonderful little boy like your son. I hope that you never see him again." Rachel slapped me before storming off and George walked over to me.

"Everything alright?" George asked me and I shook my head with tears in my eyes.

"Some people are monsters." George nodded in agreement before grabbing my hand and leads me into an on-call room. George locked the door and opened the lights before ushering me onto one of the beds.

"Can you keep a secret?" George asks me before sitting down on the bed beside me.

"Yes I can."

"I have syphilis." George tells me, making me remember what my health teacher in high school said about the disease.

"You and Olivia had sex."

"Yeah. But she hasn't shown any symptoms yet." George responded.

"Sometimes it takes a while for someone to show symptoms. Maybe that is the case with Olivia and she just does not know that she has it. But you do have to get treatment for this before it spread even further."

"Thanks for listening and not judging me Genevieve." George tells me with a smile.

"You are my best friend George. I will never judge you just like you will never judge me. Since you shared your secret with me, I am going to share mine with you. When I was born, I was placed into a dumpster and found a few hours later by a man and his six year old daughter."

"Thank you for trusting me." George says before placing an arm around my shoulder and I leaned into his embrace.


Meredith's POV

"Hey, George. How are you feeling? Sorry about the syphilis." I tell George before sitting next to Cristina.

"Everyone in this hospital knows?" George squeaked when Genevieve walked over to us and sat down next to me.

"Knows what?" Genevieve asked us.

"Knows that George's a player." Alex tells Genevieve who had a confused look on her face.

"You're disturbed. Genevieve, everyone knows about my secret." George tells both Alex and Genevieve.

"I did not tell anyone." Genevieve replied to George.

"I know you didn't Genevieve. Izzie overheard our conversation and told everyone." George tells Genevieve who nods before eating her food. Izzie looks over at Genevieve and smirks at her.

"True George. Everybody's got a secret. Just be glad yours is out in the open." Alex tells George, causing Cristina to face him.

"Oh, yeah, Alex? What's yours?" Cristina asks Alex.

"You show me yours, and I'll show you mine. I bet you've got some seriously kinky skeletons in your closet." Alex replied with that smirk of his.

"Genevieve, what's your secret?" Izzie asked Genevieve whose posture grew stiff at the question.

"Izzie don't..." George warns Izzie with a glare on his face. What's my daughter's secret that she doesn't want anyone to know?

"Genevieve was thrown into a dumpster when she was born like the retarded trash she is." Izzie states, causing Genevieve to stand up and run back into the hospital.

"That's extremely low of you Isobel!" Cristina shouted before the two of us stand up and ran into the hospital. We ran into Olivia and she frowned when she saw the expressions on our faces.

"Genevieve went to Hart's Cafe. She said that she needed to get out of here for a bit and that she'll call you Dr. Grey." Olivia tells us before leaving and I sighed while running a hand through my hair.

"I'm going to kill that bitch."

"Right there with you." Cristina said before placing an arm around my shoulder.

Genevieve's POV

"Thank you for the hot chocolate and chocolate chip muffin Tara." Tara smiles at me when the bell chimes, indicating that a customer was entering the cafe. Looking up, I see a face that I never wanted to see again. There stood my former foster father, Wendell Chapman with his tailored navy blue suit on and a wicked grin on his face. He walked over to me and grabbed my arm, pulling me to my feet.

"You are not going to get away from me again my wicked little whore." Wendell says before pulling me away and I turned to face Tara.

"Call my moms. Tell them that my former foster father Wendell Chapman is taking me." Wendell grabbed my hair with his other hand and pulled on it, before leading me out of the cafe. He dragged me to a car and pushed me into the back seat where Eric was waiting for me. Eric grabbed me and pulled me into him while Wendell closed the car door.

"Told you that you're never going to get rid of us." Eric tells me before the car drives away from the cafe.

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