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Genevieve's POV

"There is a lot of lightning and thunder and I am scared." Lana gave me a smile while I hold onto Buttons extremely tight. Lana came back from Portugal two days ago but wanted to catch up on other work before coming to see me.

"I know and I'm sorry that this scares you. Do you want to talk about what happened when you were taken by Wendell?" Lana says while I hugged Buttons close to my chest.

"Wendell brought me back to his old house and locked me into a small room with no windows. He, Eric and Zane would all take turns raping and beating me. The only good that came out of this was that Elizabeth got to escape and be a mother to a little girl who will always love her."

"Isn't returning to your mothers a good thing?" Lana asked me.

"Yes it is good. I also met my Auntie Lexie Grey and she is going to be my friend. Mama said that I can be friends with her because she is nice to me. I also got a doggy that I call Doc. He is the best doggy in the whole world."

"I'm glad that you have some good things in your life. Genevieve, have you told your family what happened to you when you were kidnapped?" Lana asks me.

"No. They need to focus on saving lives, not me."

"You are their family and they will always find time for you. I want you to tell them one thing that happened during your time away." Lana says and I nodded in response when I hear the sound of thunder, causing me to squeak.


Meredith's POV

The other interns and I followed Dr. Bailey into a patient's room. A woman was sitting on a chair next to our patient who was watching what looked like porn.

"Dr. Bailey. Henry Lamott. Aged forty-two. Is scheduled with Dr. Shepard for a spinal implant..." Cristina starts to say when Henry turns up the television, causing me to hear women moaning and giggling.

" control the pain of his herniated disc. He's allergic to all pain medication..." Cristina continues to say and I looked up at the screen.

"Is that..." Cristina starts to ask but I don't look up at anyone.

"Porn." Marie Lamott responds, causing both Dr. Bailey and I to look up. Dr. Bailey looks at the television.

"Uh Mr. & Mrs. Lamott I'm sure ... you're really ... nice people ... and what you do in the privacy of your own ... Look we can't have porn in here. This is a hospital." Dr. Bailey tells the couple.

"It's for my pain. My doc says it releases endorphins in the brain. It helps keeps my pain at a manageable level." Henry says, causing Dr. Bailey to sigh while the rest of us looked up at the screen. Dr. Bailey ushered us outside of the hospital room and we walked a little bit before she turned around to face us.

"Yang, you're going to keep an eye on Mr. Lamott. Karev and O'Malley, you're both in the Pit. Stevens, there's a cardiac patient waiting up for you on two." Dr. Bailey says before everyone else scurries off, leaving Dr. Bailey and I alone.

"Grey, your mother's being discharged this evening. You've made arrangements or do you need more time?" Dr. Bailey asks me.

"The nursing home is coming at eight."

"Alright then you're with Shepherd. Derek Shepherd today. He asked for you. Take it up with him." Dr. Bailey says before I sigh and walked away from her. Addison and I still haven't told Genevieve about Amelia finding her in the trash because we want her to be a bit better first. Her physical scars haven't fully healed and her arms are still broken.

"Mama!" Genevieve says before hugging me and I hugged her back.

"How was your session with Lana?"

"Good, but the thunder scared me a bit. Luckily for me, I had Buttons to keep me safe." Genevieve said while holding onto Buttons. Derek walked over to us, glancing at Buttons before looking over at us.

"Meredith, Retard." Derek greeted us, causing me to glare at him.

"Egotistical bastard."

"You and I could be happy together Meredith." Derek says and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm happy with Addison and our daughter Genevieve."

"Where did you get that bear?" Derek asked Genevieve, indicating to Buttons.

"I always had Buttons." Genevieve says with a smile on her face.

"Genevieve, Grandma's going to Roseridge today. Why don't you go check on her?" Genevieve nodded before leaving and I turned around to face Derek.

"If you tell Genevieve about who found her or who Buttons previously belonged to, I'll kick your ass. Now where's this patient I'm supposed to be helping you with?" Derek pointed behind him and I started walking away.


Addison's POV

"Addison, I just saw Genevieve with that adorable teddy bear in her arms skipping down the hallway." Preston says and I couldn't help but smile at the thought.

"She's had Buttons ever since she was born and it was her one constant. Did she tell you where she was?"

"Said she was helping Olivia sort some of the patient charts. Genevieve is the favourite among all of the doctors and nurses. Well except for Derek and Izzie. When I first met Genevieve she was doing some homework in the attending's lounge. She was upset because she didn't understand the math assignment. So I calmed her down and helped her with it, before introducing myself. The next day she came back and gave me some chocolate chip cookies." Preston explained to me with a warm smile.

"Genevieve was thanking you in the only way she knew how back then."

"I got that. I told her that any time she needed my help, I would give it without anything in return. She almost didn't graduate high school because she missed an exam because the woman she was living with died a day before. I explained everything to the school and they passed her anyways. Miranda would have yelled at them if they didn't pass Genevieve. She talked to Richard into giving Genevieve the job here before you came to Seattle." Preston tells me when Genevieve skips over to us and handed me my files.

"Thank you little one."

"You are welcome Mommy. Derek asked me where I got Buttons from, but I had him for my entire life." Genevieve tells me while cuddling here teddy. If he tells her the truth of how she got Buttons, I'll kill him! It's Meredith's and my place to tell her, not his!

"Hi Preston!" Genevieve greets the man with her million dollar smile.

"Hello Genevieve. Are you enjoying the weather?" Preston asked her.

"The thunder and lightning scare me, but rain is okay. I love jumping in the puddles. Mommy we have to get rain boots!" Genevieve tells us and I couldn't help but smile at her.

"We will little one." Genevieve hugs me before running off.

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