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Genevieve's POV

"Retard!" Derek says as he walks over to the nurses' station where I was sitting on the chair Nurse Debbie Hayes gave me.

"Hi Derek. Is something wrong?"

"That is Amelia's bear Teddy. It even has the same stitch on its right ear where my dog bit it. She's the six year old girl that found you along with my father." Derek tells me and I looked down at Buttons.

"Why did your family not adopt me?"

"Dad and Amelia wanted you, but the rest of didn't. After that day, dad changed his will to only put you and Amelia in it. The rest of us got nothing after dad was shot and killed. Only my druggie sister would want you. She even gave you that stupid name, Genevieve Emily Swan. If I found you, I would have named you Amber." Derek says, causing tears to appear in my eyes. Was I that bad of a baby that not even the rest of the Shepherds would want me?

"My name is not stupid. It is beautiful and so is the person who gave it to me." I tell him before running away from him and into the elevator. Pressing one of the buttons, the elevator starts moving before stopping on a floor. Alex and George entered, wheeling a gurney that held a man inside.

"Genevieve, why are you crying?" George asked me.

"Derek said that nobody wanted me as a baby. That only Auntie Amelia and her daddy wanted me. Not even my birth family wanted me because they threw me in the trash."

"We want you Genevieve." Alex reassured me before looking over at his patient.

"So dude what's the deal with Izzie? She shaved her legs for you and you didn't kiss her goodnight." George asked Alex while I looked over at the patient. The patient looked over at me and his eyes widened in recognition.

"Genevieve Swan?" The patient says, his voice being familiar to me.

"I go by Genevieve Forbes Montgomery-Grey now. Do I know you?"

"It's me Pete Willoughby. We were in that group home together back in New York." Pete tells me, causing my eyes to widen in recognition. The group home I was in before I was sent to live with the Duquettes. Pete was only there for a few weeks before his grandmother got custody of him and his younger siblings.

"When I was eight and you were fifteen. You are a police officer now."

"Yeah. So someone finally adopted you?" Pete says with a smile before caressing my cheek with his blood stained hand.

"Two ladies that wanted an eighteen year old girl. Sorry I forgot you Pete."

"I wasn't there that long so it's fine." Pete explained when the elevator blacks out and stopped moving all together.

"Dude we're not moving." Alex tells George who scoffs.

"Really? You think?" George sarcastically replied while I held Buttons even closer to me. Walking over to the emergency sign, I began to read it.

"If elevator should stop do not become alarmed. Press the button marked alarm to summon the assistance." Pressing the button repeatedly, I see that it doesn't work.

"We lost power. We're stuck here." Alex says before I go into my pocket and grab my phone. However I see that I have no signal, so I put my phone back into my pocket and hear Pete moan.

"Pete?" George and Alex begin to look him over while I sit down on the ground.


Addison's POV

"Lightning hit a sub station. We're running on back up generators. One of them's down." Richard put both of his hands on his hips, clearly annoyed.

"The only direct means of transporting from the ER to the OR isn't working." The two of us headed to the elevators and see two security guards trying to pry the doors open. Dr. Bailey and Preston were both watching the doors being pried open.

"We're caught between floors. Genevieve's here with us too." George says, causing my eyes to widen as I walked closer to see my daughter on the floor clutching her teddy bear in her arms.

"How is my daughter in the elevator?"

"Ask Dr. Shepherd, he's the one that made her run here in the first place." Alex tells me, clearly angry.

"Oh I will. Is there any way to get Genevieve out?" Genevieve was on now rocking herself and looked close to having a panic attack. She never did well in closed spaces because evil foster families would lock her in dark rooms.

"There's no way unless she can climb and with her broken arms she can't." Dr. Bailey explains to us.

"What did Derek tell Genevieve?"

"That Amelia found her as a baby in the trash. That only she and her father wanted her as the rest of the Shepherds saw her as a trash baby, leaving Mr. Shepherd to change his will to only include Amelia and Genevieve. Oh and Officer Pete Willoughby was her foster brother when they stayed at the group home." Alex tells me before I look back at Genevieve.

"I will be back, just try to make sure she doesn't get a panic attack." Walking away from the group, I walked towards the nurses' station where Derek was flirting with one of the nurses. Grabbing his arm, I pulled Derek away from the nurses' station and pushed him into the wall.

"You hurt my daughter by telling her that information when it wasn't your place to tell her!"

"Genevieve is a trash baby because not even her biological family wanted her." Derek says, causing me to slap him on the cheek.

"Genevieve is stuck in the elevator with two of our interns because of you! If she gets a panic attack or hurt in there I will kick your ass!"

"Genevieve's stuck in the elevator?" Meredith asks as she walks over to us.

"This egotistical prick told Genevieve who found her in the trash as an infant. She ran in the elevator to try to get away when it got stuck. George and Alex are with her so she's not alone." Meredith proceeds to slap Derek before handing him her patient's chart. Meredith grabs my hand and the two of us proceeded to go to the on-call room.


Meredith's POV

"How are you feeling sweetheart?" Genevieve looks up at me with a smile from her place in my arms. Genevieve wanted skin-to-skin contact with Addison and I, so we're currently lying in bed with our tops off. We still have our bras on as George could walk in anytime, not that he would though.

"Better now Mama and Mommy." Genevieve replied while playing with my bra straps.

"We wanted to tell you about Amelia finding you, but we wanted you to get better first." Addison tells Genevieve who nodded in response.

"When Wendell kidnapped me, he would lock me in a room with no windows. Just like he did when I was a child. Wendell and his sons would take turns raping and beating me before letting other men do the same. The same men have done the same thing to me as a child." Genevieve tells us while rubbing her eyes.

"I can't imagine how hard that must have been for you. To go through an ordeal like that and the courage it took for you to tell us. Genevieve, thank you for telling us and know that this won't change how we feel about you." Addison tells Genevieve and I nodded in agreement.

"Your Mommy and I still love you so much sweetheart."

"I love you both too. To the moon and back." Genevieve said with a smile on her face before closing her eyes.

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