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Genevieve's POV

"It's your turn Miss Ginny." Tommy says, causing me to turn my gaze towards him. My arms are still broken but it's not hurting as bad as it was before. Daniel had school while Grace and Hope won't be coming back anymore because their grandmother passed away last night.

"Sorry Tommy. Just thinking." I replied with a smile before rolling the dice. Currently, we were in Tommy's hospital room because he had chemotherapy today and it makes him tired afterwards.

"That's okay Miss Ginny. Can I sign your casts?" Tommy says while I move my piece and land on the snake, causing my piece to slide down and back to start.

"You can." Grabbing a Crayola marker out of my pencil case, I hand it to Tommy and gently removed one of my arm out of the slings. Tommy started drawing on my cast when Eileen and Zachary returned, giving both Tommy and I smiles.

"You're really good with him." Eileen said with tears in her eyes.

"What is wrong?"

"Tommy needs a bone marrow transplant and we aren't a match." Zachary explains to me and I looked back at Tommy. He had already taken my other cast out of the sling and has started drawing on it. Tommy deserves to live a life without suffering and I'm going to make that happen.

"I will do it. I will donate my bone marrow."

"What if you aren't a match?" Eileen asks me.

"Then I will help you find a match for Tommy." Tommy gently puts my arms back into their slings and I give him a smile.

"I will come back tomorrow superman. Do not fly into the galaxy without me." Tommy giggled before hugging me and I placed a kiss on his forehead. Standing up, I exited Tommy's room and walked to the nurse's station where Dr. Bailey was.

"Dr. Bailey, I want to give my bone marrow to Tommy Davis. Can you please help me do that?"

"I can. Let me just sign these and we'll head to radiology." Dr. Bailey says and I nodded before moving to another area where Izzie stood.

"Hey Genevieve! Want to come to my party tonight?" Izzie asked me with a smile on her face.

"Nobody has ever invited me to a party before. But I do not know where you live or how to get there."

"You can ride with me after my shift." George says, walking over to us.

"Okay. Can I meet you at the reception desk by the front entrance?"

"Yeah." George says when Dr. Bailey ushered me over to her and I walked over to where she was.

"You're doing a good thing for that little boy." Dr. Bailey says before the two of us headed towards the elevators and entered inside.

"No child deserves to be in pain. I know what that is like better than anyone."

"You don't deserve that either Genevieve. Is there any one you want to be there with you?" Dr. Bailey asks me when we stepped out of the elevator and started walking towards radiology.

"Mama. I mean-"

"I know who you meant. Dr. Grey and Dr. Montgomery told Dr. Webber and I about their relationship with each other and you. But I'll page her right now." Dr. Bailey says when we entered the radiology department and Dr. Bailey signed me in.

Meredith's POV

Running into a radiology procedure room, I see Genevieve lying on her stomach wearing a hospital gown. Dr. Bailey was standing beside Genevieve's bedside and holding onto her right hand.

"You're giving bone marrow."

"Tommy needs it Mama. His mommy and daddy are not a match. Please do not be mad Mama." Genevieve says with tears in her eyes and I grabbed onto her hand, replacing Dr. Bailey.

"I am not mad sweetheart. What you're doing is really brave, but I'll have to tell Mommy about this."

"I'll tell Dr. Montgomery. Just focus on Genevieve." Dr. Bailey says before leaving the room.

"Ok, I'm going in when you're ready." The doctor says before pulling out the needle to inject the lidocaine with.

"That is really big." Genevieve says before shutting her eyes and started to hum.

"Is she a retarded freak or something?" The doctor asks me.

"You don't get to call Genevieve that! She's giving her own bone marrow to a child in need! She may not have a medical degree but she helps more people in the hospital than many doctors here! So do your God damn job!" The doctor nodded before sticking the needle into Genevieve's hip to numb her with the lidocaine.

"Izzie invited me to her party tonight. George said we can ride together. It is my very first party because nobody else ever invited the retard to parties." Genevieve says, her eyes still tightly shut when the doctor puts another needle in to extract the bone marrow. Addison ran over to us and grabbed Genevieve's other hand.

"Mommy's here little one." Addison cooed to Genevieve who opened her eyes to see Addison standing there.

"She's not a child! Maybe if you stopped treating her like one, she'd actually stop being a retard!" The doctor yells, causing Genevieve to tightly shut her eyes once more.

"Listen here Dr. Moore, our daughter never had a childhood because she's been in the system. So forgive Genevieve for trying to have a childhood that she never had! She's autistic but not stupid and definitely a lot kinder than you are! I know that because if it wasn't for her, I would have bitch slapped your intolerant ass!" Addison shouts when Dr. Moore extracted the bone marrow and Genevieve sighed in relief.

"Chief Webber will hear about your horrible treatment of his favourite person here Alistair. I wouldn't be surprised if he fires you." Addison stated before the two of us helped Genevieve out of the bed and placed her in a wheelchair.

"Addison, my friend Izzie invited Genevieve to my house for a party tonight and it's her first one." Addison started wheeling Genevieve towards a private room.

"Do you really want to go?" Addison asked Genevieve who nodding excitedly.

"Okay you can go. But call me if you need anything." Addison tells Genevieve with a warm smile on her face.


Addison's POV

"Dr. Moore made fun of Genevieve for her autism and her childlike personality Richard! He's just lucky that Genevieve was in the room or I would have hit him!" Dr. Webber's hands clenched in anger upon hearing what I had to say. Genevieve was his favourite person here because he loved her kind nature and her innocence. No matter what life threw at Genevieve, she was always her innocent self. That's why parents trust her with their kids because she keeps their innocence alive, especially with Tommy Davis. Dr. Bailey told me that Tommy's parents weren't a match so Genevieve offered to donate her bone marrow. One time when Genevieve was living in New York with me, she encountered a homeless mother and toddler and instantly gave them all she had. When Genevieve came home without her coat and lunchbox, she told me what she did and I couldn't help but be proud of her.

"He will be dealt with Addison. I know Genevieve wouldn't make a complaint against him because she's afraid that I wouldn't believe her. But I do because from what I learned about Genevieve, I know she wouldn't lie about serious matters." Dr. Webber said and I exited his office, seeing Genevieve standing with a guy around Meredith's age. Genevieve smiled when she sees me and I walked over to them, gently hugging Genevieve.

"Who's this?"

"Dr. George O'Malley, Mommy. He is taking me to the party. George, this is my Mommy Dr. Addison Forbes Montgomery." Genevieve introduced us with a smile before walking towards the door.

"Dr. O'Malley if you do anything to hurt my daughter, I'll make sure nobody will be able to find your body. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am." George says before running towards the door and I couldn't help but laugh. I still got it...

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