Chapter 59 A Mission With Another Royal? Again?

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A transparent dragon made out of water let out a loud roar at the three shinobi standing side by side on a mini plateau fifty feet above it.

The three stared down impassively even as they each had an arm outstretched to the sky, a massive swirling, humming, shrieking, grinding mass of chakra shaped into a spinning ball of death resting on their hands with four 'blades' spinning along its core while diamond shaped chunks of stone orbited around a core of sparking lightning.

As one, the trio intoned "Combo Synch Style: Rasentriad!"

The trio threw the six foot tall jutsu and there was suddenly no more dragon, the water jutsu consumed as the Rasengan variant rapidly expanded to thirty feet wide.

The rock and dirt under the dragon was completely shredded leaving a perfectly smooth crater even as arcs of electricity trailed along the ground for a few seconds.

As the wind finally lessened back to the normal levels for the local area, Sasuke Uchiha turned off his Sharingan and said "Remind me never to piss you three off."

There was more than one snort of amusement from the rest of the group which contained the aforementioned Sasuke, Kakashi, and Sarutobi (the one responsible for the 'target' of the jutsu). The two Sharingan users were there to record what actually happened at jutsu detonation.

As Kakashi pulled his forehead protector over his implanted Sharingan, he said "It's certainly a scary technique. And you say that's a 'low setting' for it?"

"That was the smallest we could get it and still maintain stability." Naruto said with a nod.

"Thankfully Naruto can provide the heavy lifting in regards to chakra cost for the bigger versions otherwise we'd be cleaning out our emergency chakra battery seals." Heza said with a frown.

Sarutobi gave her a reassuring smile and said "No worries, Chunnin Tano, you and Chunnin Hirzen are still young yet. As you grow older your chakra stores will grow until they can handle such demands. I have seen Jiraiya make a rasengan twenty feet wide and then use multiple A and S rank Jutsu immediately after and I believe that you should be able to match those chakra levels once you enter your latter twenties."

Heza nodded at that before all of them glanced to the side as a shunshin deposited an ANBU near their group. The figure bowed to the former Hokage before offering him a scroll.

Sarutobi accepted the scroll and as the ANBU departed opened it up. A moment later, an eyebrow raised before he glanced towards Team Maelstrom and said "Jounnin Uzumaki, I know you had two more days requested for Jutsu Experimentation but are you and your team amenable for a convoy escort mission with me?"

"I assume by the fact you're being given the mission we would be escorting another Royal's entourage Sir?" Naruto checked. Sarutobi Hiruzen may be on the mission roster again, but since he hadn't taken another team of gennin he was typically sent on diplomatic missions involving countries' higher ups.

Wasn't hard to make a leap of logic that Royals were involved.

Sarutobi nodded and said "The Crescent Moon Kingdom's Prince Michiru and his son Hikaru."

"Oh, that mission." Heza said with a frown. Sarutobi looked amused as everyone else looked at her in confusion and she sighed as she explained "Scuttlebutt's saying the Prince's spoiled materialistic attitude has run off not only his original escorts from his kingdom's forces but also no less than fifteen separate teams during his world tour, and his son's just as spoiled."

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