chapter 8 Destruction of Team 7

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Village Hidden in the Leaves: Hospital: Two weeks before Academy Graduation exams

Naruto was currently looking out a window in a hallway on the second floor of the hospital. He had an arm on the window with his forehead resting on his arm. His eyes were downcast and roaring around in emotions like a giant storm off of one the famous Great Lakes rumored to be on another continent far from his home.

Many people wanted to come comfort him, but they stood away because they weren't entirely sure how he would handle them trying to get through to him. This was understandable considering how often his chakra would flare.

He was constantly going from despair to his friends fate and anger at himself at not being able to prevent it in the first place, as well as at those responsible.

Every time he got angry at himself or those he had cut down, his chakra would flare, not in large scale since on an unconscious level he knew that it would not be a good idea to let his chakra loose in a hospital, but every time he flared, you could see a small aura around the blond. One that would occasionally have the smallest tint of red in it.

This red tint that would sometimes occur was another reason they hung back. The doctors and nurses knew that the boy was still in control. That was not the problem. The problem was that if you got to close when the red tint was there, then you would start to really feel what the kid was feeling. That red tint was like a radio tower broadcasting the kid's emotions to a small, five foot radius area around him. Whenever someone tried to get close to him while that tint was there, they would gasp and quickly draw away. What they did not realize was that the Kyubi was trying to get them to just leave his host and student alone so that he could work out his problems by himself. Although if this kept up, he was going to take matters in his own hands.

Naruto just sighed and once again went through the loop of his thought track. 'Hard C to easy B-rank my foot! We were outnumbered, outmatched, and outclassed! We should never have taken that mission, even if we could have handled it if that info had been correct. I should have been able to do more! Because of my weakness, Matto and Heza could have died. As it is, they'll be lucky to still be ninja in a year. I should of just trusted my instinct.'

(Flashback)Village Hidden in the Leafs: On approach to Hokage Tower: four days prior

Team 7 was currently headed to the Hokage Tower to get a new mission. They were planning on getting another c-rank to keep their skills sharp. Sparring with each other was all good and all, and they were improving that way, but sparring each day only held its charm for so long. The team all agreed that it would be a good idea for them to get out of the village for a short time. As they got to the gate, the guards nodded at them and let them through, and they made their way to the floor where the missions are handed out. Once they reached the floor, the team found to the Genin's surprise that along with the Hokage, Iruka and Mizuki were currently working the desks. The two would often do this during the summer months to keep a steady income, but the academy wouldn't be out for another month or so.

Iruka noticing the looks from his former students chuckled and before they could ask told them about how one of the main water lines had busted when a student got a little too trigger happy with a water justu his family had taught him and had somehow forced the water from the main pipe to come after him.

Naruto shook his head at that. Apparently the guy hadn't even mastered the justu, which would have allowed him to control where he drew the water from for the attack. Now, because one student hadn't finished working on one justu, the entire first floor was being drained today. While the hokage still found it slightly amusing, it also still gave him a headache thinking about all the paper work he had to do because of it, shadow clones or not.

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