Chapter 44 Call Of Duty Operation Stingray Part Four

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Thirty Five Nautical Miles From Demon Island, En Route To Mother Island Port :

Even with their quarry of twenty one enemy personnel in a couple of large motorboats that were traveling at a rather impressive speed for such vehicles, it did not take long for the four shinobi and their tagalong's eagles to catch up with them. Twenty minutes after lift off, the formation of eagles was flying seventy five feet behind the two boats and Naruto grinned as he saw one of the sound shinobi on the island side boat pointing at them with alarm. He couldn't exactly blame the guy though since lets face it, a small flock of five eagles half the size of the boat you're currently riding in would probably scare anyone who didn't have his own summoning contract.

His grin widened as Anko shouted "Alright kiddies listen up cause I've got a new game for you to play! It's called Death From Above!"

Matto clapped like a little kid as he said "Oh I love that game! Ooh, ooh! Can I go first?"

"Knock yourself out kid!" Anko said and Matto grinned as he asked his eagle to get ahead of the boats. The eagle easily complied and quickly pulled ahead of the two boats before dropping its speed to pace them fifty feet in front of them. Matto thanked it for the ride and took five running steps along its back before he dove off of it with a cry of "Banzai!"

Isaribi watched in horror as the apparently suicidal boy jumped off his ride a good seventy five feet in the air before her eyes widened as the boy activated the chakra weight bands on his wrists and ankles that both he and Heza had turned off while riding the eagles and proceeded to plummet to the water below faster than an anvil. As he fell, a coating of lightning natured chakra covered him before Matto ran through hand signs and shouted "Lightning Style: Lightning Shockwave!" The jutsu took effect just as he blasted through the boat protected by his Lightning Armor and piercing it with ease ending up in the water underneath. Said jutsu let loose with a twenty foot radius shockwave of electricity that immediately electrocuted all ten passengers and killed the engine. Water began gushing into the boat through the rather large hole Matto made and the passengers struggled to get off while still spasmodically jerking all over the place uncontrollably. That wasn't the end of their troubles though because Matto shot out of the water beside the boat by overpowering the water walking technique and ran through another set of hand signs as he called out "Lightning Style: Grand Lightning Dragon Jutsu!" The passengers screamed in fear as a massive dragon made out of Lightning the size of their boat formed in the air over Matto and roared at them before it launched itself at the boat and absolutely demolished it killing everyone on board.

The other leaf shinobi hadn't been idle during all this. As Matto dropped like a stone, Heza unsealed her bow and arrow and had an arrow that had earth chakra in it as well as wrapped with an explosion note pulled back before she released it into the motor of the other boat. The tag exploded on impact and the motor was blown to smithereens. Naruto compounded the problem by letting loose with a Wind Senbon Jutsu that pockmarked the boat leaving it looking like Swiss cheese and most of the enemy shinobi resembling well used pin cushions. Only five of the shinobi had managed to leave the boat in time including their main target, Amachi. Out of those five, two were taken out in mid jump by the rather fast acting poison on Anko's kunai that she expertly threw to nick them right on their left shoulders which gave it almost instant access to their hearts.

As the bodies of the now thoroughly dead shinobi sank into the ocean's depths, the Leaf shinobi thanked their mounts jumped off seeing no point in staying on them when the boats weren't going anywhere. Anko gestured at Naruto and his head shot over to her and she began signing at him telling him to get Amachi away from the last two and that she and Heza would deal with him. He nodded and she and Heza both dove into the ocean with chakra streamlining them preventing them from being injured from the fall while Naruto decided to take another route down.

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