chapter 20 Chunnin Exams: Getting Started

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The team of two rooks and one vet pushed open the door to the classroom and walked in. When they were about ten feet in, the two rooks looked around at the teams. Naruto had started looking around the second he could see in, moving only his eyes. Some of the leaf Genin who had been in the war games with the former team 7 nodded their heads in acknowledgment when they made eye contact with him and he returned the gesture before continuing to look around.

Deciding to get what ever intel he could without being obvious about it, Naruto started breathing through his nose, mentally cataloging everything he smelled. Mostly just metal from all the kunai and shuriken in the room. He did pick up a few other scents though such as poison from a couple of the teams, mainly the foreign ones.

He then added chakra to his ears and listened in on the conversations to see what he could learn that way. Not much on that department, mostly just teams saying how good they were going to do and how the rest of the group didn't have a chance against them. Naruto and his father mentally snorted when hearing this.

'Typical. Thinking their all that just because they've been selected to take the exams.' The kyubi snorted again in agreement.

Naruto focused on his chakra sensing abilities next and saw that while most of the chakras were in the expected range, there were a few that were surprisingly, or not so much if you thought about it, high. One was obvious since it was coming from a fellow jinchurikki . Two more came from his teammates. The last one came from a silver haired guy wearing glasses with a leaf headband on although he was doing a good job of keeping it from feeling like nothing more than a candle. Naruto however could tell that his actual chakra reservoir was closer to that of a Jounin.

'Remind me not to take that one for granted. He's probably the biggest threat here.' He said to his father who agreed.

He took this all in within twenty seconds without his teammates being any the wiser.

All of a sudden, a bunch of people came in muttering about a stupid genjustu. Naruto resisted the urge to visibly slap his forehead when he heard this. Mentally he groaned while thinking to his father 'Okay, who was the moron who thought it would be a good idea to reveal that?' Naruto sensed his father mentally shrug before he sensed a semi familiar chakra presence coming quickly.


He quickly grabbed Sasuke from his right and pulled him out of the way of the girl who had just tried to glomp him from behind. Said girl ended up falling to the floor. Sasuke looked at Naruto silently saying thanks with his eyes. Naruto nodded and looked down at the now revealed Ino Yamanaka.

Meanwhile, Sakura had burst out laughing while thinking. 'Hah! That's what she gets for trying to take Sasuke-kun like that. Having Naruto around sure comes in handy.' (Still fan-girl at this point but a whole lot better about it than in the manga. Had to be to survive the training the two vets gave the rooks.)

Ino got up off the floor and turned to Naruto and shouted out "Why did you do that you idiot?"

Naruto grinned at her and simply said "When you're on a team, you look out for your teammates."

Sasuke smirked as Sakura and the rest of the leaf Genin who knew Naruto and could hear what he said burst out laughing while everyone else was looking between Naruto and them wondering why they had such a relationship to an apparent rookie. Ino bristled and was about to return fire before she was cut off.

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