chapter 25 Calm before the Storm

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Chunnin Exams:

The group appeared in the Hokage's office with a series of poofs of smoke. The old man looked up from his desk where he had been working on paper work. Naruto spotted the crystal ball that the old man used sometimes and cocked an eyebrow. He knew that they had had an audience for some of the fight when the Anbu showed up. The question was when Sarutobi started watching and why he had even wanted to observe him in the first place.

The hokage decided to get down to business and said "Naruto do you mind telling me why you decided to pick a fight with a fellow contestant of the final exam a whole month early?"

Naruto shrugged and said "First of all old man, I didn't pick that fight. I just wanted to talk to my fellow jinchuriki. (At this Sarutobi's eyes drifted to Gaara before he frowned.) Gaara's 'tenant' didn't like the fact that one of his old drinking buddies was nearby and 'persuaded' Gaara to start a fight."

Everyone rose an eyebrow at the drinking buddy bit while Kyubi just snorted and said "Oh please. Shukaku and I weren't drinking buddies. He was too much of a lightweight."

Naruto rose an eyebrow at his father's comment but didn't say anything. Sarutobi noticed but didn't ask Naruto what he was thinking since he knew he would tell about it if it was important.

Turning to Gaara he asked "Is what Naruto says true?"

Seeing Gaara nod, he turned back to Naruto and said "So your telling me that you did not intentionally engage Gaara in combat?"

Naruto nodded and said "That's right. I just wanted to talk to him but Shukaku decided to try and get my blood."

Sarutobi sighed and said "I see. Well, since no one was hurt too badly I guess we can let the matter drop. However, if another fight between you and another contestant happens before the finals, you will be disqualified. Am I clear?"

Naruto nodded and Sarutobi sighed again before saying "Very well, you all may leave."

Naruto and the sand team nodded before leaving the office. Sarutobi dismissed the Anbu group who took off leaving only Mizuki and Sarutobi.

When they were gone, Mizuki shook his head and with a rueful grin said "I swear, that kid is a magnet for confrontation."

Sarutobi chuckled and said "How true. But I would say that he handled himself rather well. You did good when you trained him Mizuki. But onto more important matters. What did your shadow clone find out?"

Mizuki instantly got serious and said "Naruto was right. That Kabuto guy is not what he seems. My clone actually saw him talking to Orochimaru. It couldn't get too close obviously, but Kabuto was definitely comfortable around him."

Sarutobi once again sighed as he frowned. Looking up, he said "Very well, I want you and Hayate to keep an eye on him."

Mizuki nodded and the hokage dismissed him. When he was once again alone in his office, Sarutobi leaned back in his chair and thought about everything that happened.

Outside, Naruto turned to the sand team and said "Gaara, do you want me to go ahead and look at the seal now or would you rather wait till a later date."

Gaara said "I would appreciate it if we could look at it as soon as possible."

Naruto nodded and led the team to his apartment where he could work in peace.

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