2: Chapter 25

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Months had passed since Felix absorbed the dark matter from me. Every day I worry more about him. I know he is much more skilled than I am, but to take on so much could prove very dangerous. I think he pretends like he knows his own limits.. I'm not quite sure he actually knows what is too much for him.

I can tell Professor Sharp is worried as well, although he doesn't say it. Of course. He just watches him a little closer, pays a little more attention when we are training. Listens a bit more intently when Felix speaks.

So far, I haven't noticed much of a difference in him. He has always been a brooding shadow over me. Not much has changed in that aspect.

He and Anne have been spending more and more time together since the New Year Ball, as if they didn't already. Imelda wants to place bets on how much time they have been spending when they are alone. I immediately declined, my brother's intimate moments are absolutely if no concern of mine.

Personally, I think she's a bit jealous of Anne.

Sebastian has been treating me much the same as Sharp is to Felix. He has been watching me more, helping me more. Holding my book bag, walking me to all of my classes- even the ones we don't share together.

Along with that, Sebastian has been significantly more loving and affectionate. Which, normally I wouldn't complain. At all. Though I think it is out of fear, and that I don't want happening. He was so hurt when I left our friendship last year, and so scared that he would lose me after that. I'm sure he's scared now, again, of losing me after the dark matter started infiltrating my body.

"Sebastian.." I slow my pace next to him, as we're walking hand in hand to Hogsmeade.

"Hmm?" Sebastian answers nonchalantly. I stop walking and he notices by the tug of my hand, turning his body completely towards me. "Y/n? What is it?"

"I love how we've been with each other lately, I love this feeling between us.. but I cannot help but wonder, are you living in some sort of fear? I can't bare to think of you doing that after everything you've been through.. I don't want to cause this for you at all."

Sebastian steps forward, lifting his left hand to cup my chin. He gently pushes up on it so I'm looking straight into his amber eyes. "Hey now, you're not causing anything for me. You are a blessing in my life. To be so scared of losing something means you have something to value to cherish. You are that to me, and as long as I have you in my life I will never stop wanting to keep you safely in it." He releases my chin and turns us back to the path leading up to Hogsmeade. "Besides, is it really that hard to believe that I just love you as much as I'm expressing it?" He grins at me.

I left go if his hand and smile while wrapping my arms around his waist, continuing to walk. "Maybe just a little. You'll always be the same arrogant ass. Just now you're cocky about how much you love me? Maybe I could use this to my advantage." I tease him.

"Don't even think about it. I'm wrapped around your finger enough as it is." I chuckle at his response.

As we grow closer to Hogsmeade, we hear the liveliness of the village louder than normal. Magical popping fire displays shoot around the air. There are lit lanterns floating over the street and crowds of people filling them. Many of them are wearing green and gold colored clothing, to celebrate the Irish holiday, St. Patrick's day. I'd say a good majority of them are already drunk or we'll on their way for the evening.

Our destination this evening is the Three Broomsticks, of course. With the chaos of the celebration throughout Hodsmeade, we're sure to be able to slip some fire whiskey through the crowd.

"You made it!" I hear Imelda's booming voice as soon as we enter. She sounds like she's already had a few shots of the whiskey herself.

I follow her voice to a table where she, Ominis, Anne and Felix are all sitting around. Felix sits coolly against the back of his chair, one long arm resting over the back of Anne's. Anne is clutching a glass with two hand on the table top, nursing her Butterbeer I assume. Ominis looks like he's already had a few glasses, sitting before him and waiting to be picked up.

"Ominis!" He turns around, surprised to hear my voice directly behind him.

"Y/n?" He questions me, unlike him to not know.

"Are you inebriated? Ominis Gaunt! I wouldn't take you for the man." I joke with him.

Ominis turns back around to face the table. "Ahh, yes. I can tell it's you by your picking criticism." I smiles smugly.

"Oh come on now, I'm just wondering how much catching up I'll have to do." Sebastian gives me in intrigued look.

"Up for celebrating tonight are we?" Sebastian smirks at me.

"Why not?" Anne answers, which surprises us all, we look at her and she looks around at us all. "Don't you think we've been through enough? Each and every one of us.." Felix looks down, and Sebastian and I look at each other. "We all deserve to be normal, to let go. To have some fun."

"I agree." Ominis says. "So who is going to swipe the bottle for us? Clearly it can't be me."

Felix's eyes pop up to mine, and I look up at Sebastian. "I'll do it." Anne says, and the three of us look at her.

"You?" Sebastian says in condescending tone.

"Yeah? What of it? Doubting my capabilities? Don't forget who used to kick your ass in Crossed Wands all the time. I've been gaining my strength again, so you'd better watch out." Sebastian and Anne grin at each other, and Anne stands to her feet, Felix swiftly standing up beside her. He's reminding me much of how Sebastian's been acting.. overprotective.

Ominis stands to his feet as well, at a bit slower if a pace. I can imagine his few full glasses of Butterbeer have him feeling lighter than the rest of us. This should be fun.

"Near the dragon?" Anne asks us.

"Sure. We'll see you there." I smile at her and prepare to walk again.

"Good luck." Sebastian says to her in a mocking tone.

The three of us exit the Three Broomsticks and navigate through the busy streets of drunk, merry people.

"Don't worry now, Ominis. I've got you." Sebastian says, throwing his arm around poor Ominis' shoulders.

"It's now that I'm more in fear for myself and my direction than I was before you just did that." Ominis snipes at him and Sebastian laughs.

I grin at the two of them while I keep walking besides Felix. It makes me incredibly happy that they were able to mend and keep their friendship with each other after the events of our 5th year.

We exit the outskirts of Hogsmeade and wait for Anne near the moving shrub.

"She's taking too long." Felix mutters on the bench beside me.

"It's barely been what, 15 minutes? She has to get the fire whiskey and then walk through the busy streets mind you. Be patient." I lecture him and let out a long sigh. "You boys and your damn over protectiveness."

We hear footsteps coming up the stone walkway, and there's Anne shining brightly under the moonlit area with a proud smile on her face. "I've got it!" She says merrily.

I look over at Felix. "See? I told you."

Felix gives me an annoyed look in response. "Told him what?" Anne asks.

"Just the usual siblings bickering I have to put up with around all four of you." Ominis scoffs.

"Accio!" Sebastian yells out and the bottle flies out of Anne's hands and directly into his. "Hey!" Anne yells at him.

"Ah, you'll have to be quicker than that Anne. Now let the real fun begin!" Sebastian smiles widely and grabs me around my waist.

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